2-I like it here.

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Nova groans and stretches, getting the sleep out of her taut body. The boys and she thought it would be smart and watch stupid videos on YouTube late last night. They fell asleep watching them. Nova glances down and sees each boy's head lying on her stomach on each side. She chuckles lightly, not wanting to wake them up. Stiles and Scott were facing her, their bodies sprawled out. Nova lets them lay there; she reaches down playing with both of their hair.

Nova didn't think she would but she liked it here, already. Way better than what she had at home. She had no friends because everyone knew who her father was. No one liked him, so no one liked her. But here? She already has two acquaintances. A brother and his best friend. Hopefully, Melissa isn't as bad as John.

Nova hears a door open and some footsteps. Scott's door opens slowly. "Hey, did you- Never mind, I see you did."

"They're asleep," she smiles softly.

"I see that, Well, I'll let you sleep, then. We can catch up later. I'm going to take a nap. I'm sorry I wasn't the one to pick you up."

Nova giggles silently. She shakes my head her head to deny her apology. "You couldn't help it. Work is work." Melissa nods and turns to leave. "Hey, mom? Can we talk about some stuff later?"

Melissa peers back at her with a shocked expression that soon for a soft one. Guessing she didn't expect her to call her mom, Nova thought... Melissa nods, smiling. "Of course, hon." She leaves.

Well, she didn't seem harsh at all. This whole time Nova thought she was a bitch. That's what her deadbeat father said. Wait, why the fuck would she ever believe John? He's a drunk. Nova sighs, shaking her overbearing thoughts away.

For once she revels in the silence, hearing the boy's and Mom's heartbeats. The last thing she smelt was that something was weird about Scotty.

-time skip-

Nova hears frantic moving. Nova opens her sleepy eyes to see Stiles running. "I gotta pissn!"

"Thanks for telling us, Stiles," Scott says. Nova looks at him, watching him do push-ups. She was impressed, but not that impressed.

"Yeah, I'll make sure to write it down, Sti."

Scott stops mid-push-up. He looks at her and she shrugs. Nova looks at his bicep and nods towards it. "Nice tatt, I got some of my own." Nova gets down next to him and starts doing some pushups.

They were across from each other, both staring at each other in the eye. He laughs. She squints at him, silently challenging him.

"You guys are dorks," Stiles states walking into the room rubbing his freshly washed hands on his pants.

"Says the one who ran out yelling he had to pee while holding his front," Nova faux wheezes.

"I did not-"

"It's true, I saw." Scott nods.

They continue the push-ups while Stiles grumbles, sitting on the bed. She could hear Stiles' gruffing of his breath. "When are you guys going to be done?" Stiles groans.

Nova looks at him and stops. "Fine, it was getting boring anyway."

"How many did you do?" Stiles nods towards me. His arms were crossed again, his legs crossed as well. He was leaning against the bed.

"Way less than me because I'm better," Scott declares.

Nova scoffs. "You had a head start, asshole," she remarks with a click on her tongue.

"Woah language," Scott yells fake offended.

"Oh, like you don't cuss." Nova rolled her eyes.

"I will kick your ass," Scott laughs, walking out of his room. We follow him downstairs.

"You and me, arm wrestle. Right now," Nova challenges. She his body and then hers.

He turns to her and keeps walking. He walks around the kitchen counter and plants his elbow on it. Nova smirked grabbing his arm with her dominant, her right.

"Are you guys kidding me? Already acting like siblings and you just met." Stiles states. He sighs. Nova heard him shrug by the ruffling of his shirt. Stiles then goes to the side. "Alright, I want a clean fight, no nails, one arm. Go!"

They go using her strength and she immediately almost gets him. Scott's eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. He grits his teeth. "What the fuck, Novs." Nova laughs at the familiarity of the nickname. His strength is super strong for a human. Their other hands are directly in the middle, both of us focusing on our hands.

Stiles looks at her in disbelief. "Come on, Scott, try harder!"

"I'm trying," he growls. Their hands go his way, she looks at him and sees his eyes glowing red. Nova smirked as she knew he wasn't human. She smelt it all over him.

"Perfect, cause me too," Nova growls. Nova tries harder as well, watching his eyes bore into hers. He lets go of her hand and scrambles back.

"You're an Alpha?" he asks shocked.

She looked at him with a puzzled look. "You're a werewolf?!" she retorts.

Started: 9/13/23
Finished: 9/13/23
Last edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/14/23
Word count: 867

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