12- Coward

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Nova turned the page of her book. She sat in the back of the classroom waiting for class to be done. Stiles sat next to her, nudging her trying to get her attention.

Stiles had been trying to talk to her since they had kissed. She hadn't let him; Every time he'd try she would run away in a hurry. This was what she was good at. Running away. When things got too serious or too intimate or scary she would run away. She did it with Sylvia. She did it with John. Now she's doing it with Stiles. 

Hell, she always ran away when things got too intense for her; Like a coward.

She was a coward... That's what she told herself. Every time her body would force her away from Stiles. She would tell herself that. She couldn't help it. Her mind just wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Every time she'd smell his scent...

Hearing him talk classrooms away... 

Hearing his name...

Seeing a jeep. 

You would be surprised how many students at Beacon Hills drove a jeep. Honestly, it was too many to count. Too many for her at least. 

The bell rings and Nova runs out of the class with her stuff. Fortunately, this was the last class. Nova walked out of the exit door and began to walk down the sidewalk. She smells him again. Coward...

An arm grabbed her wrist before she could get any further. "Could you just please talk to me? I'm going insane Nova!" Stiles' voice breaks from behind her. Nova slowly turns, facing him for the first time in a few days. Coward... Tears were filled in his eyes. She did this. "Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it." His voice breaks more, gasping heard from people nearby. 

"You can't fix me, Stiles! It's me; It's always been me! I'm scared... I'm scared to do anything with you. To fall for you. You and you're stupid peppermint taste. Or how you match my energy. Or your stupid giggle. I can't do that again. I can't have another Sylvia, Mieczyslaw..." 

"Nothing is going to happen to me, Nova!" Stiles yells once more. His hands gestured into his chest.

"You don't know that!" Nova screams louder. She feels her eyes burning, signifying that her vamp rage is about to happen. She storms off, bumping into a few people as goes. She starts running into a rage, her body carrying her home. 


It's been a few weeks since she last spoke with Stiles. Her mind replays the interaction over and over in her broken mind. She was once again reading, or at least trying. She was lying on her bed, the book up in the air. The front door opened and she sniffed to who it was. Stiles. Coward...

Her body goes on autopilot. Immediately getting dressed quickly. She puts on a black pencil skirt and a white button-up shirt with some black simple heels. Her bun was in her famous bun, this time fancy. 

Nova walks down the stairs but gets stopped by Scott. Stiles was behind him, a heartbroken face on him. "Where are you going dressed like that?" Scott asks giving her a knowing look. His arms crossed, scolding her little sister. 

"I'm going to hang out with Lydia," Nova lies. 

Scott shakes his head and she glares at him. "Not like that you aren't. Go upstairs and change." 

"Fine, I won't go." She turns around quickly and pauses. She didn't call herself a coward this time... "Hi, Stiles." Her voice was soft as if an apology laced in her voice. Her body continues, running up the stairs.

Nova leaves a shocked Stiles and Scott. Scott turns to his best friend and smiles. "You know she only did that to get your attention, right?" 

"No, she didn't. She said she was going to hang out with Lydia." Stiles scoffed at his friend, waving him off.

"She couldn't have. Lydia is out of the state with her mom, remember."


Nova groans, stripping her clothes off of her. She kicks her bed in anger. "Why the fuck did I do that?" She thought. Why did she go downstairs all like that? Why did she say hi to him? Why did she say Lydia? Lydia was out of state with her mom. 

A knock was heard at the door before it opened. Before it opened all the way she sped behind the door. "Can I get dressed before you step in?" Nova squeaks. The door shuts and she walks to her dresser. She puts on a tank crop top and shorts that hands on her hips. "Alright, now come in." She picks up her clothes and hangs them back up in her closet. 

Someone clears their throat behind her. She turns to see Stiles. Stiles stood awkwardly rubbing his sweaty hands on the back of his jeans. She eyes him. He is wearing light somewhat baggy jeans and a red hoodie. He gulps staring at her. "So, are we on speaking terms now?" 

Nova sits down on her bed and shrugs. "I don't know, are we?" Her hooded eyes watch his awkward movement. Stiles nods awkwardly. His hands were picking at his hands. Nova watches his hands and scolds him. "That's bad for your nails, Mieczyslaw." His hands snap to his sides, rubbing his jeans. He looks around as if his mind is currently in a war. He stalks toward her, sitting next to her. 

"When are you going to look me in the eye?" Stiles begs. His eyes were on her hands on her thighs. To anyone else, it was just her hands on her thighs. To him, it looked phenomenal, she was beautiful. Yet she wouldn't let him have her. 

"I don't think I can to be honest with you." when Nova finishes, He grabs her chin, slowly turning her toward his face. 

"Please, just look at me," He begs.

Her mind fights a battle. Her eyes tear from the spot on her wall to his eyes. He sighs in relief as he stares into her eyes. Her eyes were light brown, the riffles in her eyes looking like mountains. 

"You, know. I didn't know you liked me until you said so last time we talked," Stiles chuckles. His eyes kept going from her lips to her eyes. His heart was racing, the same as his breathing.

Nova scoffed. "I didn't say I liked you." His hands were still on her chin.

"You implied it," His thumb begins to move from side to side. His thump moves up and grazes her lip ring, playing with it.

Nova panics and moves his hand away from her face. She looks down hiding from his view.

"I'm sorry," Stiles says. But he was lying. He wasn't sorry. He wasn't sorry for touching her. Or for teasing her. His voice cracked once more.


"Stop, calling yourself that," Stile cries. Her eyes snap to his, her body going weak. "Please stop doing this to yourself. Let me in." She didn't know she was calling herself a coward out loud. She thought it was in her head. 

"It's true," Nova croaks. "I hurt you."

"You hurt me by hurting yourself, so stop." Stiles shrugged as if it was obvious. His voice was stern, commanding her to stop. 

"I can't," Nova shakes her head. 

"You can, and if you would let me I will prove it to you." 

Started: 9/17/23
Finished: 9/18/23
Last Edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/18/23
Word Count: 1243

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