She glared at him. "You could have at least let me know you were here instead of giving me an apoplexy." She rested her hand over her heart.

She was right. "I really didn't mean to scare you."

Charlotte looked at him for a moment longer, then sighed. "What do you need, Alpha?"

You. "I just came to see you." He realized this was the first time she was aware of him being in her bedroom. His gaze darted to her bed. Perhaps he should just stay.

"I'm getting ready for bed." She placed a hand on her hip.

Caleb stood up and walked towards her. "I'm well aware." He stopped in front of her and undid the belt of her dressing gown that she had so hastily tied, then slipped it off of her shoulders, letting it pool on the ground at her feet.

She looked up at him, startled, as he took a step back, his gaze moving over her, causing her to blush.

"I believe I have told you that I prefer you naked, Charlotte." He took a step back and sat down again on the window seat. "Get dressed and get in bed."

He watched her glare hard at him, but she followed his order, quickly pulling the gown on before slipping in the bed. Caleb blew out the lamp, the stripped most of his own clothes off before crawling in bed with her. "Come here, Charlotte."

She tentatively scooted closer and he slipped his arms around her, pulling her against him. She lay stiffly for a moment. "Do you expect me to take my clothes off every time I see you, Alpha?"

Caleb couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. "No, but if we're in bed together, it's just Caleb."

"Whatever you say, Alpha Caleb," came her sleepy reply.

Caleb rolled his eyes. She couldn't resist. " Good night, Charlotte."


Charlotte woke the next morning alone. She was disappointed but not surprised. She'd actually enjoyed sleeping with Caleb, and hadn't been plagued by nightmares.

She lay there for a few more minutes before finally pulling herself out of bed. Perhaps she could make this relationship work with him after all. But then, Caleb was so unpredictable. He obviously wanted her one moment and then would ignore her for days on end. She didn't understand him, but then he was king and she was his slave.

The morning flew by, and Ragnar stopped at her table before lunch to tell her he wouldn't be able to take her out today. She was disappointed but she was always at everyone else's mercy.

She headed back up to her bedroom and sat on her window seat looking outside. Wolves moved through the yard and Charlotte watched them go, wishing she had the freedom to come and go as a wolf. It must feel amazing to run through the woods at top speed.

She sighed, as she turned her attention back to her book, though even then, her thoughts were elsewhere. She wondered what the date was. Would she be married by now? She could hardly see herself with the Earl anymore. Caleb was much more handsome and she was infinitely more attracted to him. She just needed to be careful not to fall for him.

After tea, Charlotte wandered slowly back up to her room, not really wanting to go back. She longed to just explore the castle. She walked up the steps, and looked up in surprise to see Caleb coming down them. "Alpha." She dropped into a curtsy.

He stopped, looking her over. "Are you headed up?"

"Yes," she answered. She met his gaze briefly, then looked back down.

He stepped closer, unable to resist her, and tipped her chin up. "Never look down." His eyes suddenly glazed over for a moment and he sighed. "I'll see you at dinner."

Charlotte watched him go and frowned. She hurried the rest of the way up the steps and into her room to read for a while before dinner.

 Charlotte arrived a bit early for dinner and sat down at her usual place. It seemed as though everyone always sat in the same place, and she was about as far from the head table as she could possibly get. She sat quietly, watching others coming in, chatting with each other. People had always looked at her curiously before but now they mostly ignored her. She wondered if they all knew she was the Alpha's slave.

A few moments later, Caleb entered the room. To her shock, he had a beautiful blond on his arm. He walked past her without glancing her way.

Charlotte felt her heart stop. Who was she? The woman was breathtakingly beautiful. She had on a silk rose colored dress and she glided along gracefully. Her hair was blond and styled in the latest fashion.

When they approached the head table, Caleb seated her by himself. He kissed her hand and smiled at her, then sat down.

The food was then served. Charlotte had lost her appetite. She felt like her heart had been crushed, like she could barely breath. She frowned. When had she fallen for him? She hadn't even realized it had happened.

She watched them all, sitting there, chatting, laughing, and smiling. Even Penny chatted with the woman.

Charlotte was truly happy for Penny, but she was sad for herself. She had gone from being a Baron's daughter, about to marry an Earl to a slave who sat at the lowest part of the table. She knew her circumstances could be much worse though, and she must learn to accept them. But it didn't make it any easier.

Charlotte excused herself from the table as soon as was acceptable. She hadn't eaten a thing, but her stomach was in knots and her heart ached.

She trudged back up the stairs, and into her room. She sat down at the window seat, leaning against the cool glass as everything from the last several weeks hit her hard and she cried herself to sleep. 

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz