christmas eve eve

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

"thank you," sapnap calls over the bar, flashing the bartender a drunken smile before looking down at the six shots he just bought.

how is he supposed to carry six shots?

sapnap shifts them around into a circle he can hold between his hands and, after realising he can probably manage five at once, decides to just quickly down the remaining one and save himself the effort.

he supposes only one of them was for him anyway.

he scoops the other five up as he grimaces from the hot aftertaste of whatever he ordered -specifics unknown because he'd just asked for, "whatever is strong but not enough to take me out!"- and steps away from the bar to make his way back towards where he vaguely remembers his friends being.

it's christmas eve eve, and their little group had made the plans to get together and hang out at karl's house to exchange secret santa gifts and watch christmas movies, since they wouldn't see each other again until after christmas because they all had to spend the key dates with their family.

when they had arrived, karl greeted them with eggnog. somehow, for reasons unknown to sapnap (he had whispered a few persuasive words) dream had ended up popping to the corner shop and getting them a bottle of vodka to share amongst themselves.

fuck knows how they ended up in a club, but something about drinking with friends on an exciting day seemed to just inspire them.

and now here they are, drunk without good reason mere minutes before midnight with intentions to only get more drunk. being transparent, sapnap is most excited for when they all end up heading home together and pass out in various places around karl's house, just for the first man awake to travel around taking pictures of all the hungover men.

sapnap loves his friend group, more than just about anything in the world. they make him feel so... woah, he's drunk.

he shakes off his drunken thoughts of joy and love as he approaches their table to find only dream, george and punz remaining. a little concerning because he'd left five friends sitting around, but he can't complain when this just means he gets an extra shot.

"where are the others?" he asks with a noticeable slur to his voice. he's usually an energetic drunk, but something about the alcohol makes his lips decide they're not going to put in as much work.

george steals one of the shots before anyone has a chance to even think about responding, and the ravenette sends his best friend a glare in response to the unprompted thievery, even if one of them was meant for him anyway.

as sapnap plops down into the booth by punz's side, dream answers, "they went to the bathroom."

sapnap can't help the way he instinctively cocks his head to the side and suggestively raises an eyebrow at the boys across the table. it makes dream laugh and the ravenette holds his hands up in defence. as if dream had countered his suggestive look, sapnap says, "i'm just saying!"

sapnap can hear punz laughing beside him too but he doesn't look over at the blond. sitting this close, while this drunk, and making eye contact with the other boy, would be nothing short of overwhelming. plus, with the way that punz has been so openly flirting recently, he can't handle what could happen if their eyes met in the low lights of the club.

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