baby it's cold outside

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

"i really can't stay," sapnap tries to refuse, standing beside his coat at the front door but not actually making any move to take it off of the peg where it hangs.

"but baby, it's cold outside," punz pouts. it really is cold out, with snow barrelling down constantly for hours now and piling up on the streets. the stuff on the road has gone mushy from people driving over it, but the rest of it is still practically spotless as no one wants to go out into the horrible temperatures.

no one, except sapnap, apparently. "i've got to go," he reiterates, still not reaching for his coat. "the evening's been really nice but dream will start worrying about me if i'm out for much longer."

"i've been waiting for you to come round for so long though," punz says, "it's been ages." sapnap was here four days ago and they sleep-called last night, but that's really not the point right now. he reaches out and takes a hold of his boyfriend's hands, squeezing them tightly. "your hands feel like ice, sap. what if you get ill? you don't need to be in such a hurry."

the way sapnap readjusts so they can properly hold hands suggests that he is enjoying the warmth that he is getting from the blond, which is promising.

"i do need to be in a hurry," sapnap weakly argues, his resolve already cracking. punz is going to break it down if it's the last thing he does. "you know george paces when he gets all restless without me and it stresses dream out. i need to like, scurry off home and look after them both," he jokes with a light laugh.

punz pouts harder, using their joined hands to pull sapnap closer, their chests nearly touching as the ravenette pears up to look at him. "i lit the fire for you though," he points out. "c'mon, beautiful, don't hurry off already. what if i put some music on? one more drink?"

sapnap sighs, loud and dramatic, before caving. "fine, but only half a drink!"

punz grins proudly, keeping hold of one of sapnap's hands as he tugs him through to the kitchen where their wine glasses are still on the counter. hope buds up in his chest as he pours them both another half-serving of wine, hoping that the alcohol will work as an incentive for his boyfriend to sleep over.

"dream and george definitely think we're just like, having sex or something," sapnap says as he takes the glass being handed to him, taking a sip and lightly shaking his head. "it's probably been an hour since i last replied to them."

"what do they expect? it's actually bad out there. the public transport has stopped running so how can they expect you to be driving about? it's not safe," he says.

"i would be fine, you're just keeping me here with some unbreakable spell," sapnap glares playfully, sipping away at his drink. across the room, punz's alexa hums out quiet christmas music into the space around them. "i bet you spiked my drink with like, a love potion."

punz puts his glass on the side and steps forward. he takes sapnap's drink, discarding that too, and pulls his boyfriend against him. "i don't need a potion to keep you here, baby," he says quietly. he leans in, admiring the starlight in his boyfriend's gorgeous eyes, and sapnap meets him for a kiss.

punz holds back his smile as they press together, letting one hand snake tight around sapnap's waist whilst the other reaches up to knock off his cap.

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