christmas wrapping

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

sapnap feels like a right scrooge, sitting alone in his living room with some anime playing on his tv and with no intention of seeing anyone for the next week until he's dragged out to his family christmas. he's planning on having a christmas to himself tomorrow, for no reason other than wanting time to celebrate his favourite holiday on his own.

if he were in a cartoon, it would be drawn in black and white and he'd have a pop-art 'bah humbug' written above his head as he scowls for no real reason, not seeming at all festive to the outside eye.

he didn't bother decorating this year, he hasn't watched any christmas movies, and he hasn't even voluntarily played his own christmas music - only hearing it out in public or through his friends.

he loves christmas more than anything, but his year has been one big busy blur and he just doesn't have the energy to add to the already mad rush of memories that swim through his mind, even if 'tis the season.

💭 january... 💭

"punz, seriously," sapnap complains, leaning against a stand of thick jackets with a pointed glare. "i'm going to break my leg."

"sapnap you can't come on a skiing holiday with my family and refuse to ski," his friend scoffs, shaking his head as he grabs sapnap a pair of thick snow pants and throws them against the ravenette, forcing him to think quickly to catch them. "what did you think you would do?"

"i don't know, watch!" sapnap replies, though part of him always knew he would end up here, dragged along behind his best friend and dreading the ridiculous numbers of bruises he will surely get from throwing himself down a ski slope.

"do you think this would suit me?" punz asks, completely ignoring sapnap's complaints as he turns to him with a big beige hoodie in his hands. sapnap eyes it over, evaluating, but he doesn't get an answer out before punz says, "i'm gonna try it on. wait here."

the ravenette sighs, shaking his head. as if he would go anywhere else.

he turns to look at ski... stick... things. he doesn't know. he's never had any interest in going skiing before, so it would be surprising if he knew the technical terms for any of the ridiculously priced equipment. at the very least, he's glad they are at a resort that offers rentals.

"you getting some poles?"

sapnap glances back, eyes finding dream behind him, punz's older brother. he shrugs, looking back, "probably not." definitely not.

dream hums, half interested, and reaches past the younger blond to take one of the poles off of the side to feel over it, seeming to appraise it. quietly, he mumbles, "they're not good quality here anyway."

sapnap has been friends with punz for two years now, best friends in fact, practically inseparable since they met one lucky day at a club, but this holiday is the first time he met the blonde's older brother. dream had been in japan for the last four years apparently, teaching people to snowboard or something like that.

they'd met briefly through calls when punz was catching up with his brother from across the planet, but this winter has been their first real connection.

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