christmas shopping

75 10 12

trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

dream's favourite thing in the whole world is shopping, and george knows this with absolute certainty. okay, maybe shopping is dream's second favourite thing, right after george.

the blonde's joy for wasting time in stores and spending money is only amplified by the christmas season, so george is forced to accommodate this by allowing himself to be dragged around mall after mall as dream strays far from the 'very strict shopping list' that george made him right before they left the house.

he can't really be upset though, not when the blond is so happy to be blowing their money on crochet santas and wooden cheese boards that they'll use once and forget about.

even listening as dream hums along to the christmas music they are playing in every store is enough to prevent george from complaining about the ache in his feet or the way that the minute shopping he had done is digging into his soft palms and making him feel like he's weighed down.

plus, something about the way that dream will stray off to look at something just to come hurrying back when he thinks he's lost george and immediately linking hands with the brunette makes him feel strangely loved. so do the constant repetitions of 'do you want this for christmas?' or, 'this would look nice on you!' or even, 'look at his [blank] i found, it reminded me of you so i'm getting it.'

so yeah, george can hardly find himself in a position to complain when he feels so adored that his entire body is screaming out in constant joy.

"can we go in here?" dream asks, and george doesn't even bother to glance up at the store name before he nods in easy confirmation. he came to the mental conclusion a while ago that today would be dream's day, so he has sworn himself to be agreeable, if only for the way that dream grins in thanks every time.

they step into what looks like a clothes store, but george can see that it expands to sell much more than that. to him, the store seems to be just like a john lewis, except everything is branded with a name that he doesn't recognise.

dream doesn't manage to keep his hand around george's for any more than fifteen seconds before he gasps quietly and steps away to look at a rack of horribly ugly christmas sweaters that are most definitely only there for ironic value.

"we should get some," dream suggests, and george doesn't say anything to confirm nor deny as he moves over to stand against dream's side, just humming to his boyfriend.

dream takes two matching ones off of the rack -both large, so he clearly wants george to look swamped- and hangs them over his arm. with money comes recklessness, and not always in bold ways like racing cars and sky diving. sometimes rich people become silly in little ways, like the fact that dream never tries on clothes before he buys them. george has even seen him buy shoes without a test walk before, which seems ridiculous to him even if he also has money to waste.

so he knows that, now the jumpers are on his arm, dream is most certainly going to buy them. the only thing that may possibly stop him would be some responsible words from george, but he would never be so cruel as to cut off the taller boy's fun, so he stays quiet as he follows behind dream.

george does glance around too, seeing if there's anything he particularly likes, but he has always been more of an online shopper so he has more of a tendency to photograph things and then order them online later.

"georgie, look at this."

the brunette looks up from where he had been momentarily distracted by his phone and follows dream's nearby voice around a corner into a section clearly dedicated to babies. he isn't sure what his boyfriend could possibly be showing him, but he stalks his way over to the tall blond regardless.

dream looks over when george nears him and pulls a pair of baby shoes off of the wall before passing them to george.

the brunette takes them in the hand not holding his phone and bags and looks down at the little red and white slippers. they have small pompoms on the end, like elf shoes, and the brunette smiles slightly just because they're wholesome. "why are you showing me these?" he asks, looking back up at dream.

"because they're just so cute," the blond exclaims. he reaches over to run his finger over the soft pompom on the right shoe before pushing two fingers into the shoe and saying, "like, can you believe that babies are this small?"

george smiles, imagining a tiny little human wearing the red slippers. "they are cute," he agrees, running his thumb along the edge of the red slipper to feel how soft the material is against his skin. he would happily wear these in his size, they feel lovely.

"one day we'll have a tiny little baby and he or she will wear tiny clothes. are you excited?" george nods in confirmation, hoping that his cheeks aren't exposing the way that dream's words make him feel all funny and soft on the inside. "imagine how small their toes are, george, i could literally scream."

george lets out an amused puff of breath because that's all he thinks he can manage before he'll be on his knees and asking for the other's hand in marriage. dream is too much sometimes, in the best way possible, and the blond doesn't even know how he is making george feel all speechless and bubbly in the middle of the store.

dream takes the shoes out of george's hand again, smiling down at them with endearment flowing out of his beautiful eyes. "i hope they still sell these exact shoes when we have a baby one day," dream says mindlessly, hanging them back on the hook. "i want he or she to waddle around in them and just-" he cuts himself off with a quick hand stim, "it'll be so cute. we should have a baby right now," he jokes.

george fondly shakes his head. "how do you plan we do that?"

"well you had that mood swing last week," dream points out with a cheeky smile, reaching over to squeeze george's side, "surely you're ovulating by now?"

george only responds to the joke with a light slap to his boyfriend's chest and the pair laugh together as they move on.

as dream steps away from the shoes, letting himself mindlessly browse over baby clothes, george can't help but notice how he keeps looking back at the red slippers.

there's a sense of longing in his eyes, like he's actually sad to be leaving the shoes behind, despite the fact they don't have plans to start a family anytime soon.

despite that, george can't handle the thought of the odd chance that dream will remember the slippers when they do have a baby and they don't exist anymore. that would break his heart.

so george embraces his inner idiot and sneaks back to the shoes when dream isn't paying attention to grab the same ones they had been holding just minutes before. he gets himself a random hat too, to hide the shoes in when they go through the checkout so dream won't see.

of course, he knows that there's always a chance that their eventual baby won't even fit in the shoes, but they're rich as fuck, he will have them adjusted if he really has to.

tw/cw: none?

i actually quite like this lil oneshot icl

i love you


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