hey good lookin

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

foolish has been very upset over the fact that they can't spend their first christmas as a couple actually together. they've been living together for three years now, and this is ironically the first christmas that they won't be experiencing together. it's just unfortunate that they happened to only just get together romantically in the same year that they both promised to spend christmas with their families.

foolish tried to get out of it by haggling that he could be there on boxing day instead, but his little sister and his parents weren't having it. they said it's been too long, so now he has no choice but to go home for the holidays. punz would've been able to get out of going home, since his parents probably wouldn't've minded having one less person to feed on the big day, but there was no reason for him to even try with the knowledge that foolish wouldn't be at their house. he would obviously rather go home than spend christmas alone.

still, foolish had not been happy, whinging and whining about wanting to be together, and punz had wanted to do just about anything to make him feel better about the whole ordeal. hence why they decided to have their own little christmas, a little early. they would act like it's christmas day, do all the traditions and spend all their time together, and then they would part the following morning at the airport as they both travelled back to their home states.

foolish was happy enough with the plan, though he had still carried a certain aura of disappointment for the next days following. this, alongside the simple fact that punz is completely and utterly in love with his boyfriend, is why the blond decided he would do anything possible to make it the best fake-christmas ever.

so, whilst foolish is still sound asleep, his adorable little face smushed against the pillow as his steady breaths drift out through parted lips, punz carefully worms himself out from underneath their covers, feeling how the too-cold winter air in the room bites at his skin as he separates from the trapped warmth of their shared body heat.

he reaches over to grab a hoodie from the clothes pile on the armchair they keep by the window, maybe-accidentally-purposefully taking one of foolish's instead of one of his own. the pile needs to be put away before they go away, and both boys have been putting it off for days now.

punz, not wanting foolish to end up doing it on their fake-christmas, sighs internally to himself before silently getting to work with putting away the clothes. they're lucky (and rich) enough to have a walk-in wardrobe so, after hauling the clothes through, punz doesn't have to be too worried about the clink of hangers on their clothes rails. plus, foolish is generally quite a heavy sleeper so it probably wouldn't be an issue anyway.

both boys in the relationship despise laundry, it's probably their only downfall as a couple. generally, punz doesn't mind the jobs that foolish hates and vice versa, so they work in perfect synchrony to get things done around the house. just not with laundry. laundry can lay on the highway and get run over.

still, punz hangs up the shirts and hoodies and folds away the pants. he shoves underwear in drawers and even goes the extra mile to organise the belts in their accessory shelf to make sure they aren't all tangled together. it's long and boring and makes him feel like he's dying on the inside, but it's worth it for the knowledge that foolish won't have to think about it when he gets up, or before he goes to bed.

call him prince charming, or whatever.

he moves quietly back into their bedroom, pausing in the doorway that leads to the wardrobe just to admire his lover for a long moment. he is still fast asleep, his breaths audible even from across the room. he doesn't snore but his breathing is definitely heavy and, whilst most would normally find it annoying, punz finds that it actually helps lull him to sleep most nights.

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