stuck in the past

100 13 40

trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

george agreed to travel home for the christmas holidays because his family missed him and, admittedly, he missed them too. he has no intention of confessing this to his sister or parents, but moving away from them has been tough despite how much he has loved living in florida.

they are his family, after all, and he has always loved them and gotten along well with them all. him and his sister used to butt heads as teens but never seriously, and they always knew deep down that they loved each other through every argument and fight.

they're older now, so they don't row like they used to. they make jabs at each other now and then, and sometimes one of them will take it too far, but it's never enough to cause any real damage. they never need to apologise, because they both know the fights are never real.

he gets along great with his parents too, despite the fact that his dad still asks him when he will get a real job and his mum still finds a way to make every conversation wrap back to george's small weight. they're annoying little quirks, but he has grown to live with them and he knows that the questions come from a place of love.

they don't maliciously question him, they just occasionally struggle to express their love in a way other than being protective. much like how george struggles to tell people he loves them.

maybe it's genetic.

anyway, the point is, george agreed to travel home for christmas. he missed his family, they missed him.

the plan was three weeks in london, starting at the beginning of december so he could travel home in time for christmas day in florida. his parents had a little whine about him missing christmas day, but they decided to just celebrate on the 20th so he doesn't have to miss either of the occasions.

he was grateful for the accommodating, and it was the final push that convinced him to come home.

the first day went well, despite how tired he was from jetlag, and his family made him feel alive enough to drag him out for a carvery meal that left him feeling full and warm. safe to say, he slept like a baby back in his childhood bedroom that night.

it was a guest room now, lacking any personality or interesting features, but it had the same vibe nonetheless.

he woke up to the smell of breakfast, momentarily forgetting his location and thinking dream was cooking. when he properly came to and remembered where he was, he was embarrassingly a little disappointed. he refused to show it though, since it was only his second day and he didn't want to come across as ungrateful.

he ate with his parents before going out to do some christmas shopping with his mum, where he found some fabulously ugly 'i ♡ london' boxers which he made sure to buy to go in both of his boyfriends' stockings. he got them both some other bits and bobs of london memorabilia, including some red, white and blue fluffy handcuffs that he had to sneakily avoid his mum seeing.

they went past a shop that sells dick-shaped lollies too, and he made a mental note to come back later on in the holiday to get some for the american boys.

his sister was at the house when they arrived home early afternoon, and the two of them went upstairs to amazon-search for gifts to buy their parents. she had a lot of fun making fun of him for being gay, and he had equally as much fun making fun of her for being recently single. sibling love, or whatever.

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