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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

christmas day is coming up and, with that, came the discussion of christmas dinner.

dream has always spent christmas at his family home, travelling down in the morning for gift-exchanging and christmas dinner before coming home in time for an afternoon to himself. when sapnap moved in, he joined the blond with the tradition and also went along to dream's family home, where he was more than welcome. the afternoon then became a time for the pair of them to do private celebrations- exchanging gifts and watching movies while snacking on nothing healthy.

now, george is here too.

hypothetically, the brunette would just come along for the tradition as one may expect, but all three boys decided unanimously that it was not the best option for them.

george struggles badly with anorexia and, understandably, that isn't something he wants dream's family to know about so, for obvious reasons, he does not want to be there for the large christmas dinner.

he expressed that the stress of so much food, alongside the pressure of feeling watched by so many people, would only make him feel uncomfortable. george also confided that the discomfort from that situation would rub off on him and make the next few following days of food consumption difficult too.

along with this, george didn't want the joy of christmas to be tarnished by his poor relationship with food. he wanted to enjoy his day without dreading a too-large meal and the heavy feelings that come with food he isn't as comfortable with.

so they came to the joint conclusion that dream and sapnap would keep their tradition but george would stay home under the excuse of facetiming with his family even though, realistically, he would just use the time to sleep in without his friends forcing him out of bed at a normal time.

the plan seemed good, and dream also promised that he would cook something easy for george to eat when they got home to do their three-way-mini-christmas because, eating disorder or not, he still has to eat.

george's friends have always been strict on that fact, always saying it's okay for him to struggle but it's not okay for him to starve himself like he did too many times in the past. they grew to understand how hard eating can be, and how upset it can make him, but they never let him get away with just going hungry.

george much preferred the idea of having food at home, even if it might bring him slight unease. anything would be better than having a panic attack in front of dream's family that could potentially lead to him getting so worked up that he simply vomits up whatever he consumed.

there was still an issue though, one that george found playing on his mind far too often.

it was simple as much as it was confusing: he wanted christmas dinner.

he wants the food and the experience and the chance to give it a valiant effort, but he also doesn't want to run the risk of ruining his celebrations because he realises he can't handle the challenge he chose to face himself with.

he felt ridiculous when he shuffled downstairs on december 17th, trying desperately to explain it to his friends but feeling like he wouldn't be understood. after all, what anorexic person wants to try a big meal?

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