an institution for secret santa

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

this oneshot is based on the characters/dynamics in my book 'an institution for troubled children'. there are minor timeline inaccuracies.

foolish side-eyes punz and sapnap as they walk together, taking note of how the couple's pinkies are joined between them, swinging methodically with each swing. it's weird to see them so in love after how long they were grovelling through their weird friends-with-benefits situation that wasn't good for either of them.

the door to the A block has been propped open with a rock, which is most definitely against many rules at their school but foolish can't imagine any of their friends would've been willing to just stand and wait to let everyone in, especially knowing about how late some of their friends can be. their group definitely has a shared trait of poor time management.

foolish is kind of in a world of his own as he walks with the pair. he's often caught up in his head, and it leads to spiralling more often than not, but he finds that it only gets worse around the holidays. it's like any mere moment he's left out of the conversation, he's overthinking.

it hasn't helped that he wanted to go home for christmas, to see his parents and feel like he's just a normal teen again, but his parents refused his request, claiming that staying here would be better for him and his mental health. it doesn't help that he's managed to convince himself that they simply don't want him there. so many of his friends have gone home, at least for a few days, even the ones whose parents hate them, yet his didn't want him.

it felt shitty waking up christmas morning, feeling alone despite there being two other people in the dorm with him. sapnap and punz were both there, whipping up breakfast for all three of them. it was nice and, while they were talking and eating poorly-made pancakes, foolish almost forgot how sad he was.

when the couple decided to go on a walk in the woods, just for some them-time on the big day, he was left alone feeling utterly terrible again.

he cried. a lot.

crying isn't unusual for him, but crying on christmas felt like his lungs were being torn out and shredded right in front of him. he isn't sure if he's ever cried on christmas before, despite years of depression. last year, when he was still at the institution, his parents actually wanted him home. he didn't cry then.

his pity party came to an end when george messaged him, asking if they could walk together to the hall for christmas dinner. he steeled up then, fixing his expression and calming himself down before leaving to go with the brit.

the food was surprisingly good, probably the best meal he'd had at the institution during his time there, and the company of his friends helped, once again, to make him feel better. they had christmas crackers with jokes and silly hats, and foolish won both of his but gave them both to karl because the brunette's joy over paper hats made his heart soar.

he is so ridiculously in love.

he had returned home with sapnap and punz then, just so the trio could collect their secret santa gifts, and now they are making their way down the hallway towards jimmy's dorm, ready to see the remaining members of the group.

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