"See? Yucky." Bre says from the edge of the bathtub in defeat, gloves stained dark orange as she continues to brush some dye through another section of her hair.

"Not yucky at all beautiful." I reassure her again, taking a step towards her.

"Okay so how can I help?"

"I'm only dying this part." She gestures to the roots of her hair. "Because the rest is already this colour, but it's hard to do all of it." A frown forms on her face towards the end of her sentence and my heart sinks instantly. I hate seeing her like this, even if it's just to do with hair dye.

"Do you have more gloves? Let me help you do the rest."

"Really?" I looks up at me wide eyed, surprised at my suggestion.

"Of course Bre, I just wanna help." I explain, looking around the bathroom with her as she searches for something.

"There's some gloves that came with the dye, would you like those?" She asks excitedly. I nod and put them on, going through each section of her hair, smoothing the dye through throughly. Never in my life did I think I'd be doing anything like this- and the dumbest part of it all is I'm happy to, I wouldn't change this for anything.

We finish the process and I help put her hair in a bun, watching as she covers her hair with a shower cap after smoothing out the dye a little more. She gets comfortable on the bathroom floor, crossing her legs as she reads the back of the box again. I join her, leaning back on the bathtub behind us.

"Now we wait for three hours." She says with a nod.

My eyes widen immediately. "Three hours?" I ask, trying not to sound too surprised, but damn that's a long time.

Her laughter fills the room again as she observes my response. "I'm only being silly! I have to wait for 20 minutes." She clarifies, and I let out a sigh of relief, laughing with her.

"You fucking got me for a moment." I say as I laugh again, watching her smile fade as she looks at me.

"Your shirt is all orange!" She gasps, pointing to my chest. I didn't even notice.

"I'm so sorry Javi." She says instantly, standing up to try and clean it. "I'll take all the stains out I promise, I won't do it again either I'm so sorry Jav-"

"It's okay Bre I promise, you didn't do anything." I reassure her, "I wanted to help you dye your hair remember?"

Ignoring my words she continues to try and clean my shirt, becoming even more frantic. It breaks my heart to see how much that asshole has broken her.

"Baby please listen to me." I say firmly, holding her hands so she can look at me. "Y-Yes." She responds shakily, avoiding eye contact as she focuses on my chest.

"You didn't do anything wrong okay? I wanted to help you and I got dye on my shirt, that's no one's fault okay?"

Tears start to well up in her eyes. "But I shouldn't have made you-"

"You didn't make me do anything." I interrupt, there's no way I'm letting her believe that any of this is her fault, there's nothing to blame anyone for.

"I don't care that this shirt has dye on it, hell I could get dye all over me and I still wouldn't care." I explain, hoping I'm helping her feel better.

She nods gently and I pull her into my lap, caressing her back gently. "You're worth more than a billion shirts." I say to her gently, placing a kiss on her cheek as she begins to calm down.

"I-I am?" She asks shyly.

"Yes, even more than a trillion shirts." I joke around, trying to see if I can get a laugh out of her- and it works.

"You're silly." She says with another giggle.

"No, I just love you." I respond honestly, kissing her cheek again.

"I love you." She responds, still very shy, as she slowly leans towards me to place a tiny kiss on my lips. She covers her face instantly as she does so, making me smile immediately.

I don't think I've ever smiled this much in my life.


Writers note

I don't have much to say but I just wanted to say thank you so much for 65K reads!!! I know my uploads have been a bit inconsistent this week but I had so many exams 😭 I'm back to updating every 2-3 days and will upload a chapter tomorrow evening too to make up for it!

Thank you so much again! I love seeing your comments and I always try to like them all and follow back too!

I'm once again writing as I go so I'm defo open to any suggestions! If you have any you can leave them here and I'll try to incorporate them in the story ☺️🫶🏾

TW: Mention of sex
Also how would you guys feel about a potential sex scene? I know I've covered some hard topics in the book so far so I don't think it would be a problem, however do you think it would ruin the vibes of the book? Maybe it would depend on how detailed I am with writing it? Lmk!

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