The younger girl zoomed into the picture she had been staring at. She turned her phone around showing her best friend who gasped at the sight of the cat. She made a cute baby face seeing a cute white fluffy cat with blue eyes. Wearing a pink soft hoodie, her head turned to the side letting out a small yawn. "Oh, she's so adorable. Who's cat is that?" She asked, shoving a piece of beef into her mouth. She carefully chewed the steaming piece of meat. Leah smiled, saving the picture into her gallery. She sent a message back to Felix telling him how much she missed the cat. It's been a while since she's been to his apartment, let alone seeing the cat. The girl had been the one to adopt the cat and give it to her brother. She didn't want him to feel alone once he moved out of the house. She knew the lonely feeling of not having anyone around and missing everyone you used to share a home with. There were times at night where she would find herself crying. Crying because she missed her brothers. She would remember what it was like secretly running out of her room and meeting up with them in the kitchen. They would constantly bicker and make fun of each other. All while whispering, making sure not to wake up their own parents.

"Her name is Lily. She belongs to Felix." Bada made a cute pout, finding the fluffy cat adorable. She's more of a dog person. Mostly because she's never grown up with a cat nor owned one. Leah didn't expect to be a cat person either, nor a dog person. For the longest she feared both breeds. She felt terror whenever she was around dogs because she was bitten by one when she was ten years old. Both girls ate peacefully making small talk. A small smile on their faces as they chewed on their food carefully. Leah took a huge sip from her drink. She has finished half of her beer now. She was taking slow sips, not trying to get drunk. She mostly just wanted the alcohol to destress her and relax her body. Plus she knew one can of beer wasn't going to be enough to get her drunk. If anything she might be a little buzzed or tipsy. Once they finished eating they finished their drinks. "Before I forget, I did get you something. I haven't seen the movie nor know anything about them but I did notice you like them." She pulled out the keychains from the bag she's been carrying.

Bada carefully placed them on the table showing the younger girl who let out a gasp of excitement. She reached over the table grabbing the keychains. Her eyes had this huge glow to them as she stared at the chains in her palm. "Woah, they're beautiful. Here you can keep Jack and I'll keep Sally." She handed the white skeleton to Bada who took it without hesitation. She stared down at the keychain. She tilted her head to the side wondering why the girl loved these characters so much. She even noticed that her phone case had all the characters in the back. Her thumb ran over the design of it. Her eyes glazed back up at the girl across from her. Seeing how she smiled brightly, she clipped the chain onto her keys. "Don't worry, I promise to watch the movie together. Oh that's right, I also got you something." She reached into the huge bag she's been carrying around. She pulled out the beautiful jacket she bought for her. She raised it up showing the girl how amazing the jacket looked. Bada let out a huge gasp of excitement, she reached over taking the jacket from her hold. She stood up from her seat, instantly slipping her hands through the sleeves. She fixes the collar turning around to show the girl.

Leah pulled out her phone recording her reaction seeing how she posed. She took a few pictures of her liking how the jacket looked on her. At the end she smiled brightly running to the younger girl. She pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek causing her to giggle. It was no surprise how easily both girls got along. Even if they haven't seen each other for years and a few things have changed about them. They were still practically the same person. Well at least on the inside, they didn't hide anything from each other and were able to be themselves around each other. They never once judged each other for anything.


The girls of Eternal all arrived at the pool party, they all posed for the camera. Leah used her sassiness pushing her hair off her shoulder. They strutted down the long concrete path leading to the huge pool. In which teams were already swinging in. The leader headed to their little hut wanting to relax for a bit before she decided to jump into the water. She didn't hesitate to wave at Kirsten who yelled her name grabbing her attention. With sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, she pushed them up to the top of her head. She took a seat on one of the lounges pulling out her phone from her back pocket. She took pictures of her members who smiled brightly. She couldn't help but admire them from afar feeling extremely proud of each one. She giggled seeing Yujin and Mina playfully throwing water at each other. Meanwhile on the other side of the pool Ivy carried Miyeon on her back as she swam through the pool. If anything she's glad they finally get to have a break. Lord knows how much stress and pressure they were under. She also felt a bit guilty for being too strict on the girls, knowing that sometimes she came out harsh. Running her fingers through her long soft hair, she glanced to the right seeing Kirsten making her way to her.

The Devils Temptation {Bada Lee}Where stories live. Discover now