~And All The Pieces Fall Right Into Place~

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"You will go, you will find Fairy Godmother, and you will being me back her magic wand. Easy-peasy." Taylor hears Maleficent in a muffled tone from her room. She really didn't want to be there discussing the stupid plan they're being forced to follow all for Maleficent to take over the world herself. She started packing her bag with things that she would need to go over to the preppy place they call Auradon. She made sure to pack all her song-writting diaries so she could continue writting song while over there. She honestly didn't want to be bad, but she followed. All she's ever wanted was to be a singer from the Isle.

On the Isle, she was raised by a witch. She passed away a few years past. As she grew older, she learned how to take care of herself, and always looked towards the parents of her friends for care. She mainly looked toward EQ.

"What is wrong with you all!" She heard Maleficent exclaim snapping her out of her thoughts. She packed a few final things in her bag before walking out of her room.

"For twenty years I have searched for a way off this island. For twenty years they have robbed us from out revenge! Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men! Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie! Revenge on every single dalmatian that escaped your clutches!"

"She then turned to Taylor looking her straight in the eye while smirking evily before speaking and pointing a slender finger to her. "Revenger on Elsa, Jack, you own mother and father, for throwing you in here and leaving you here to rot alone!" Taylor's jaw clenches as she held the glass cup in her hands as Maleficent spoke her statement, becoming angrier at the mention of the word mother. The glass starts to become covered in ice and at one point shatters making everyone in the room but Maleficent jump.

Knowing she hit Taylor's nerve, Maleficent smirks, "And I, Maleficent, the evilest of them all. I will finally have my revenge, on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince."

"Villians, our day hase come! EQ, give her the magic mirror." Malefient exclaimed as Taylor cleaned up the glass on the floor while she spoke. Once finished, she walked back to her room trying to avoid everyone else's gaze after her accident. All she wanted to do was get her revenge on mainly her mother and leave the place. She sat on her bed and started thinking about her mother and father and why they would do this to her.

"T, you alright?" Carlos said as he walked into her room.

"Hey, C. I'm alright. I just don't know how to process this yet."

"Do you want to talk about it? Only if you're comftorable with talking about it, I'm here to listen."

"Thanks, Carlos. But, oyu should go finish packing up, we might be leaving soon. I'll see you out there." Taylor said as she slowly pushed Carlos out of her room. She took a long and deep breath before she went back to packing.

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