~You're Still All Over Me~

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"Oh my god!" Taylor spoke as her eyes widened at the person who walked into the building.

"Taylor?" He spoke before she jumped into his arms with gratitude of seeing him.

"Who sent you here, Owen?" Taylor asked as she got out of his arms.
Owen Frost, Taylor's older brother of 1 year. She knew that her brother always lived with their mother and father, but didn't know about him living on the Isle. Alongside him were 2 of her old friends Issac Yu and Quinn Hearts. Issac was the son of Shan Yu, and Quinn was the daughter of The Queen of Hearts. She knows that they're good at heart, it's just that other people don't see that.

"I was send almost 2 years ago. I didn't want you to worry about anything so I didn't try to look for you." He said after Taylor waved to her old friends who had stood behing her. Now that explaines why she didn't see him at family day a few months ago.

Jay and Evie walked upstairs to see what was going on since they heard Taylor's squeal from when she reunited with her brother.

They all sat down and listened to what Owen had to say. He explained how after the 5 VKs left for Auradon, he and his friends took in this area, how Owen had tried to get himself and his friends into Auradon without any luck, and how Uma and her gang have tried to persuade him and some of his other friends to join her side. She was sucessful with some, but luckily, not all.

Taylor explained her side of the story on how they tried to steal the wand before deciding not to do it. She also explained how Ben was nicked by Uma and her gang and now they're trying to get him back.

After everything they discussed on, they all waited once again for Mal to return with good news. Owen friends left while he decided to stay back with his sister and her friends.


It wasn't very good news. After an hour of waiting, Mal returned with a look on her face like her world had just ended.

"There's no way we're gonna give Uma the wand. We can't just let her destroy Auradon!" Evie exclaimed.

"Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is toast, guys." Carlos said.

"Great, so we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand." Evie rolled her eyes.

Taylor stood up from her seat, "Wait, I have an idea," She looked towarrds Jay and Carlos, "You're 3d printer! A fake wand!" She remarked Carlos gushing over his printer for so long when he first got it.

The other 4 VKs looked at her with their eyes brightening at the possibility that they could actually pull his off.

"Wait, but as soon as Uma tests it out, she'll know it's fake." Evie mentioned.

"Okay, so we get Ben out really fast." Mal said. "We need some kind of diversion."

"Smoke bombs!" Jay said, "And Taylor could do some type of magic to cause some more distraction."

Taylor nodded at him, "Easy. Eve, you can get all the materials from lady Tremain's place." Evie nodded at the girl, smiling while she walked towards Mal. "Sick hair by the way. Evil stepmom seriously stepped up her game."

"Do you wanna know something?" Mal asked the girl, "Dizzy did this." Taylor gasped and walked towards the two girls. "Little Dizzy? Shut up."

"I know I'm like loving it, it's like a lot lighter." Mal said. Evie gushed at her new look, "I'm so proud of her right now," Taylor said as she admired Taylor's new hair.

Jay cleared his throat from behind the girls, "Hello?"

The girls looked back at Jay and Carlos who both had unamused looks on their faces. "Right, Carlos, Jay, you guys meet up at pirates bay no later than noon. Taylor, go with them so you can make sure they're not even a minute late. And you guys, losing? Not an option, cause we're rotten."

"To the core." They all speak.

Taylor walked over to her brother for a second, "Owen, make sure nothing else happens to any one. I'll see you later."
Owen nodded back at her little sister.

"Let's do this."

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