~Now We Got Problems~

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After an hour, Jay woke up to the beeping sound. He stood up and walked over to the printer. He turned to Carlos and Taylor, still on the bed, whacking Taylor on the shoulder. "Hey, mornin' love birds. Look." Taylor accidentally froze the left bed post where she grabbed onto when Jay woke her up.

She huffed befroe ripping her hand off from the ice. Carlos stood up, joning Jay and Taylor infront of the printer. He opened the glass door, reaching in to grab the wand. "Not bad."

"Let's go." Taylor tapped both of them on the shoulder before walking to the door.

"Hey, guys. What about me?" Dude shouted from the bed.

"No dude, you stay. I'm serious, stay." Carlos told the dog. "I love you, buddy. We'll be back before you know it."

Taylor grabbed her bag and slinged it over her shoulder. The 3 ran out to the limo that was waiting for them upfront. On their way, they ran into Doug. Taylor smacked Jay's arm, making him hid the wand.

"Oh, hey. Have you seen Evie?" He asked the three.

"Um... she went... camping." Carlos said. Taylor held back the urge to laugh at his horrible excuse.

"Evie 'I want to live in a castle' sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?" Doug asked with a confused look.

"You know how spontaneous she is bro." Carlos and Jay laughed out and took a step back. Doug sighes and turned around, walking back to the dorm hall.

Taylor let out a sigh of relief. She and the other two boys turned around, only to see Lonnie, Seb, and Alora behind them, "We're coming with you guys."

"What? We don't need swords at the... waffle hut." Jay lied, making Carlos and Taylor glare at him.

"You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben. Look, it's either you take us, or... I'll tell Fairy Godmother." Seb told them. Alora just smiled at the three and eyed Jay up and down. Taylor sighed, turning around and began walking to the limo. The others followed as Lonnie and Alora squealled. Alora threw her arms around Jay.

"Lon, chill. It's not an ammusement park, it's the Isle. This is really serious." Taylor glanced back at everyone, who's words may have been a reality check to the AKs. They all got in the limo, Jay in the driver seat, Alora as his passenger princess. Seb and Lonnie sat towards the front, while Carlor and Taylor sat towards the back.

"Hey, T. I made a batch of cookies while you fell asleep." Carlos spoke, breaking the silence between the two teenagers. He handed her the small container which held 2 cookies for her. She smiles and thanked him before she grabbed one of them and started eating it. She hasn't had anything to eat since the morning they left for the Isle. She was really hungry.

"These are really good, Los. Thanks." She smiled at him again before the finished the cookie and put the lid back on the container. She placed in her bag to save the other one for later.

Carlos smiled at the girl, hoping that the love spell would work on her.


The friend reached the Isle, where Mal and Evie waited for them.

"Oh, Lonnie, Alora!" Mal exclaimed as she embraced the two girls.

"Seb, hey." Evie said as she side hugged him.

"We made them bring us." Lonnie told the two VK girls.

"Oh, I'm glad." Mal said, as Evie them embraced the two AK girls. "Welcome to the Isle, it's good to see you guys." She said.

Taylor was off to the side, helping Carlos and Jay gather the items from the limo's trunk. Jay pulled out a bag of swords, revealing Dude lying on a blanket.

"I told you to stay!" Carlos scolded.

"I flunked obedience class." Dude said.

"Great. He can still talk." Jay said as he rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky I love you." Carlos sighed. Dude chuckled before speaking again, "You know who else you l-"

"We should go!" Carlos cut the dog off, covering his snout. Taylor furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Okay?"

She grabed the phoney wand, walking over to where Mal and Evie were.

"Oh, let me see it." Mas asked. Taylor handed it over to her, watching the girl admire the wand.

"It's noon." Carlos pointed out.

"Alright, are we ready?" Mal asked them, handing the wand over to Carlos.

The VKs and AKs nodded in agreement that they were ready for what's about to come.

"Okay, let's do this." Mal sighed.

"Stay! I mean it." Carlos said as he pointed at Dude. Dude growled, sitting outside the large opening. Taylor smiled over at Carlos, lacing their hands together as she gently pulled him alongside her to catch up with the others.

Taylor already sensed there would be problems between the two groups.

~☆Enchanted★~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ