~'Cause You're So Gorgeous It Actually Hurts~

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Taylor listens to Jane's rant while she paints her nails.

"Mom said, if a boy can't see the beauty withing, then he't not worth it." Jane complained. "What world does she live in?"

"Auradon." Mal and Taylor spoke at the same time, smirking at one another.

"T, Mal, do you like?" Taylor looked at Evie, who's holding a dress that she's sewn.

"Yeah, it's cute." Mal says. "Bring's out your eyes."

"Totally, pair it with some red earrings and a red necklase or something." Taylor adds. Evie smiled. "I know, and yes! Great idea, T."

"I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane huffed and dropped onto one of the bed's in the room

"Boyfriend are overrated." Mal said while scribbling in her spell book. Evie rolled her eyes. "And how would you know, Mal? You've never had one."

Mal looked up at Evie. "It's because I don't need one, E. They're a waste of time."

Evie then gasped, "I forgot to do chad's homework! Oh no!" She said and jumped out of her chair walking ove to Chad's backpack in the corner of the room. She bought it to the table and started doing his work.

Taylor sent Evie a dirty look because of what she was doing, "You shouldn't be doing his work, E."

"That's exactaly what I mean." Mal spoke up.

"Be real, Mal. You can't tell me that you've never wanted a boyfriend." Taylor said and rolled her eyes at Mal. "Or at least wanted a guy to like you a little."

"Easy for you to say. More than half of the guys on the Isle are head over heels for you. You even dated like a few of them." Mal stated.

"Not true." Taylor shook her head.

"Let's take Harry Hook for example. You and him dated for like 2 years."

Taylor pressed her lips into a thin line before talking again. "He doesn't count. We were on and off. It's complicated."

"Yeah, sure." Mal commented. "Like making out three times a week behind the house doesn't count."

Taylor gasped at what Mal said and threw the nearest object which was a pillow at the girl. Mal easily caught it and laughed it off.

A knock at the door halted their actions. "Hey guys, I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan? No?" Lonnie spoke.

"Anyways, I'm Alora. Raya's daughter. We love what you've done with Jane's hair." Alora said before Lonnie continued for her.

"And I know you hate us, and well your evil. But do you think you could do mine? Alora doesn't want her's done."

Taylor stares at the two girls. "And why would Mal do that you you? You just barged in and didn't say please."

Lonnie looked at Taylor and pulled out a small bag. "We'll each pay you fifty dollars."

"Good answer." Evie said and took the pouch out of her hand. "I need to buy more material." Evie said while looking at Mal.

Taylor sighed as she put the cap back on the polish.

"Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some new highlights," Evie spoke as she looked a Lonnie's hair.

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool, like Mal's." Lonnie grinned.

Taylor chuckled, "Really, the split ends too?"

Mal glaed back at her. She growled and dropped her pen on the bed. She stood up and flipped through her spell book. "Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." With the blink of an eye, Lonnie's hair grew into thick and voluminous curls.

"Dang, Lonnie. It looks-" Alora spoke before Evie cut her off.

"I know, I know. It looks like a mop on your head." Evie said. "You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it-"

"No no no no no! I love it." Lonnie said.

"You do?" Evie questioned making Taylor chuckle.

"It's just," Lonnie ripped the edge of her skirt. "Now I'm cool."

Mal smirked. "Like ice, or Taylor."

Taylor rolled her eyes at Mal, but slightly smiled. Her friends tended to make ice jokes about her.

Jane walked over to the mirror and stood next to Lonnie. She mimicked her actions and ripped the edge of her dress. She gasped and said, "What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!"

Taylor cringed at the actions of the two Auradon girls.

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