~Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin~

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Taylor, Carlos, and Jay made it back to Auradon by night. They headed straight to the boys' dorm, while meeting Dude along the way. Carlos picked up the dog while they headed to the room.

Taylor held out her hand to stop the two boys, "Wait, why is your door open?" They quickly stormed into the room, just to find Chad hunched over the printer. "You've got to be kidding me." Carlos huffed, making the prince turn around sheepishly. "I knocked..." He tried to reason out.

"What is that?" Jay asked as he shook his head. "Oh, that's a little Chad action figure. Minus the head." Chad said as he admired his creation.

"Sounds like an improvement," Taylos said as she rolled her eyes at him. Carlos nodded in agreement, "Excuse me." He pushed Chad out the way, tapping a few things on the printer, then his phone.

Chad looked over Jay's shoulder, "Why are you guys making Fairy GodMother's wand?"

The 3 VKs stepped back as they each sent looks between each other, "Uh, why are we making Fairy GodMother's wand?" Taylor asked as she rocked her feet back and forth.

"Ben's been captured!" Dude announced, making everyone in the room look over to him with widened eyes.

"What? Dude can talk?" Chad exclaimed.

"She was stalling!" Carlos scolded Dude with a huff. Dude looked back at him, "I thought she forgot."

Jay hit Chad's shoulder, "Don't tell anyone. Be;s life depends on it."

"Really, So, if something were to happen, you know what I'm saying. If something were to happen, who do you think would be in line to be King?" Chad shrugged.

"Is it me or is that in poor taste?" Jay shood his head. Taylor walked over to the door, as if asking for Chad to politely get the hell out. Chad groaned and walked out." I'm taking this." He waved his figure in the air, "And if you think-" Taylor slammed the door in his face before he was able to finish what he wanted to say.

"Thank you, Taylor." Carlos said, before turning to print the wand. After a few more taps here and there, the wand finally started printing.

"We're going to be here a while." Jay sighed, falling onto his bed. Taylor decided to lay on Carlos' bed since it was the only one left open.

Carlos sat on the ends of his bed, admiring the girl along with her tired eyes. The room wa quiet, too quiet for the liking most of the time. The only thing that could be heard were Jay's snorses.

"What?" Taylor asked when she noticed arlos just staring at her."

"Nothing, just trying to imagine Uma's face when we win. Always happend." Carlos responded.

"She's gonna be so pissed."

Carlos chuckled softly, "Really pissed."

Taylor layed comftorable on Carlos' bed. A few minutes of just being there, he eyes slowly started to close. Carlos way laying next to her, so he head fell fron its position looking towards the cealling, to his shoulder. The boy's heart started racing, but relaxed under her touch. After a while, he got back up and slowly tried to not make Taylor wake up. He got a stray blanket and put it on her.

He quietly walked out to the kitchen, hoping his plan would work.

~☆Enchanted★~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz