~We Found Wonderland~

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The five arrived to the Vks' old hangout spot. Taylor made an ice ball in her palms before she threw it at the 'Falling Rock's' sign. It swinged back, causing the gast to open.

Ben began to walk up the stair before he turned to the other once more. "Wish me luck." His figure dissapeared from their sight.

Silence took over the 4 as they each swam in their own thought. Taylor took the time to realize how calmer she felt being back the Isle. She didn't feel worried about how other people thought of her. She didn't and wasn't make any type of effort of trying to her powers. It felt good to be feared again. Good to be bad. Yet, she knew she eventually had to once again leave the Isle. Half of her wanted to desperately stay, but the other half knew that without her best friends by her side, she wouldn't last a day. She felt really lost.

"Hey, you alright?" Carlos whispered as he took a seat next to the blonde girl. Evie and Jay were not too far from them in a different area in their own conversation, leaving Carlos and Taylor alone.

Taylor sighed and shrugged, "I don't know, honestly. I guess I'm just scared to be back here since it makes me feel like myself again. I don't have to feel any worry here. Over in Auradon," She took a slight pause. "I- Auradon just doesn't feel like home to me."

Carlos nodded, "I get it. We might not ever fit in over at Auradon. No matter how much time we're there for. But, as long as you, and Jay, and Evie and Mal, I think I'll be able to call it home."

Taylor quietly laughed, "You're so soft, C. You're so different now then you are most of the time."

Carlos put on a smirk, "Hey, I'm not that soft. You can't say anything about my 'soft' side when you know you also have one."

Taylor playfully rolled her eyes, "Sometimes, I hate it when you're right." The two smiled at each other for a second. Carlos placed his hand ontop of hers. They stared at each other for a few seconds before they were interupted by Ben opening up the gate he entered in as he retuned to the VKs.

"So, how'd it go?" Taylor asked as she stood up as Carlos' hand slipped out of her own.

"She's not coming back." Ben frowned, walking past them with a sad expression.

"What? I'll go talk to her." Evie said as she walked towards the phone-like device. "M? Mal, it's Evie. Just let me talk to you for a second."

"Go away!" Mal exclaimed from the other line.

"Let's give her a few hours to cool off." Jay said making Evie nod with a small frown.

"Guys, where's Ben?" Carlos exclimed.

"Ben?" Taylor called. She looked down the alleyway. Down the alley, a tall figure appeared. They all sighed in relief thinking it was Ben.

"Ben, don't scare us like that." Evie sighed.

"Don't scare you?" A familiar voice said. The figure of Harry Hook appeared infront of the VKs as Taylor rolled her eyes at her ex- on and off boyfriend. "But, that's my specialty."

"Harry." Taylor stepped forward from the others. "What did you do to Ben?" Harry analized her up and down. "Nice to see you too, Darling." Harry tried to go for her hand before Jay pulled Taylor back a little. "We nicked him. Mmm Hmm. Yeah, and if you want to see him again have Mal come to the chip shoppe tonight, alone. Uma wants a little visit. Aw, Jay, seems like you've lost your touch." Hook teased the boy.

Jay tried to lunge towards the pirate, but waas held back by Evie and Taylor. Harry turned to to Carlos and fake barked at him. Taylor scoffed as he turned around and walked away, "Still running erands for Uma?" Harry turned back and looked at her as he pocked his tounge in the inside of his right cheek. "Jealous, much?"

"In your dreams, Hook." Taylor said as she slightly tilted her head to the left. Taylor and Harry had an interesting backstory. One that could be described in a different book. Let's just say... she's never walking Cornelia Street again.

Harry gave her a low whistle, "You have no idea."

He took one lastt glance at the blonde girl before walking away once again Taylor coffed and followed the others up where they would need to face the dragon herself.

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