~And I Will Hold On To You~

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The Core 5 were in the Auradon kitchen trying to make cookies for Mal's new love spell.

"Alright, it says that we still need one tear, and I never cry." Mal said as she mixed the cookie dough.

It was now dark and past cerfew. Taylor sat next to Carlos, Dude sat on the other side of him in a bowl.

"Let's just chop up some onions." Carlos recommended.

"It's not that easy, Los." Taylor said.

"No! It says that we need one tear of human sadness. And this love potion gets the best reviews so we have to follow it exactly."

"Jay rolled his eyes. "A tear is a tear."

Evie shoot her head at the boy, "That's not true, Jay. They both have anitobies and enzymes, but an emotional tear had more protien-based hormones than a reflex tear."

"Look at you!" Taylor said in a sing-song voice and sent a smile to her friend.

"yeah, I knew that" Jay scoffed.

"Did not." Carlos rolled his eyes and playfully him his arm.

"Uh, yeah I did."

"There you are, Mal! I was looking for you." Lonnie bursted into the kitchen, wearing her pink pyjamas. Mal quickly took a kitchen towle and covered her spell book. "You know, all the girls want you to do their hair! Even Alora is asking if you could do hers!"

Lonnie looked down and noticed the cookie dough. "Midnight snack, huh? Whatcha guys making?"

"Nothing special, just cookies." Mal shrugged.

"No!" The 5 call out to Lonnie as she dipped her finger in the batter.

Lonnie confusingly stared at them. "What? I'm not gonna double dip."

"Feel anything?" Evie asked.

"Yeah, like maybe it might be missing somehing?" Mal added

Jay smirked and strutted over to Lonnie. "Hey there." Lonnie stared at him with a blank expression. "Could use some chips."

"Chips?" Taylor whispered over to Carlos. "And those are?"

"Chocolate chips. Just the most important food group." She tells the five. She grabbed a bowl from a top shelf with little pieces of chocolate.

"Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys, like chocolate chip cookies? Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..."

Taylor's eyes move to the floor with a frown slowly being plastered on her face.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Lonnie asked.

Taylor looked up from the ground with her teary eyes. "It's very different from where we're from, Lonnie." Taylor said as a tear slipped out of her eye. She quickly looked down again so no one noticed.

"Yeah, I know. I just, you know, I thought, even villians love their kids." Lonnie looked at all of them. She paused at Taylor and realized what she said. "Oh... how awful."

A tear fell down her face to which Mal swiped it off and put it into the mixture.

"Oh yeah well, bommer! Thank you so much for coming by. Really really have a good night. See you tomorrow, evil dreams." Mal said as she usherd Lonnie out the kitchen.

Taylor quickly started blinking away any sign of her sadness as she jumped down from the counter she was on. She was ment to be a evil, not weak.

"Okay, boy, cookie sheet," Mal pointed at Carlos and Jay. "Evie, oven." She pointed a Evie then looked towards Taylor. "T, you start washing up."

"Why do I get the lame job?" Taylor scrunched up her nose. "Because you're lame." Jay said.

"Haha, very funny, Jay" She scoffed.

Taylor walked over to the dishes and brought them over to the sink. She began scrubbing and wiping and stacking the dishes into the dishwasher. While the others were occupied, Carlos walked over to the girl by the sink. She looked over her shoulder and smiled seeing him behind her.

"Finished already with Jay?"

"He took over. He said I was doing it wrong, but he was too." Carlos shrugged as Taylor laughed.

Carlos stared at Taylor's side profile. "Are you okay?" She turned her head to look at him. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you seemed upset when Lonnie mentioned, uh, mothers." He said as he stepped closer. "You know you can talk-"

"Carlos, I swear I'm fine." Taylor shrugged her shoulders and stepped back. "Can we please just talk about something else?"

Carlos nodded in defeat. Evie called Taylor over to where she was, leaving Carlos in his place. He sighed and bit the inside of his cheek dazed in his thoughts.

Taylor had always build invisible ice walls around her since the day she was dropped off on the Isle. Carlos was able to see that they were on they're way to cracking. Soon they would be broken down all the way into an avalanche.

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