"Mom, I need David Copperfield for-"  

"Sorry, that's your father. Gotta go" Claire said and hung up

"Did she just hang up?" Haley asked

"I can't believe she hung up" Sophie said and then someone knocked on her dorm room

"I gotta go too, bye" Sophie said

"Oh, yeah, you just hang up on me too-"

"Bye Haley" Sophie said and hung up and went to open the door

"Lucas?" Sophie said shocked to see him there

"You think you can spare me 30 minutes of your time?" Lucas asked sarcastically as he handed her a cup of coffee

"That's a pretty though request" Sophie said while taking her jacket and the coffee as they walked around Harvard


"Well, I'm gonna go now" Lucas said

"Wait, you drove all the way here just to talk for 30 minutes?" Sophie asked not really believing that was all

"Well, acc- yeah, that was it" Lucas said smiling slightly

"Bye Sophie" 

"Bye" Sophie frowned and then got back in her dorm just when Haley and Alex added her to the call

"Hey, what's up?" Sophie asked them

"You're not gonna believe what happened" Alex told them

"Wait. Mom shaved Skylar's head?" Sophie asked chuckling with Haley

"That's hilarious!" Haley added

"It's not gonna be so fun the next time she bothers to show up for school" Alex said

"What do you care? You know you don't even like her" Haley told her

"I don't. Skylar's awful. Mom actually did me a huge favor" Alex admitted

"Oh, my God. Do not tell her that. She would never shut up about it" Sophie told her

"I know. Remember when you two admitted that you didn't hate... that James Taylor concert she dragged you to?" Alex reminded them

"She was unbearable!" Sophie said

"I told you!" Haley started mocking Claire

"He's got the voice of an angel!" All three of them mocked Claire together

"She's such a nerd" Haley laughed it off

"I kind of miss her though" Sophie admitted with a sad smile

"Yeah, me too" Haley admitted too

"You know, honey, I don't want to do this... unless you are really ready" Claire whispered to Phil while they were ears dropping their daughters conversation

"I am ready" Phil lied

"I don't know if I am" 

"Me either" They both admitted

"You wanna wait?"

"Five more years?"

Later that night

"Hey, Alex, I've got a question" Sophie said nervously

"If it's about your books mom's-" Alex started saying

"No, no, It's not about that" 

"Uh, have you maybe seen Lucas around town?" Sophie asked

"Wait, you don't know?" Alex asked

"What do I have to know?"

"He left town right after your graduation"

"What are you talking about?" Sophie asked confused

"He was at your graduation, he gave me a letter to give to you the day you left for Harvard, oh- right I forgot to give it to you, I should've putted it in one of your books" Alex said

"Oh, okay, thanks. Night" Sophie said and hung up, she looked through every book and then she finally found it

-For Sophie-

"Sophie, I know that when you'll be reading this I'll have already left town and you'll be at Harvard and I know that I should've talked to you about it or at least said goodbye but I didn't, I couldn't. I didn't graduate and I didn't want to stay in school for another year so I had no choice but to leave. I couldn't tell you, not on your graduation day, you were so happy and you did great, I loved your speech. Anyway, I'm really sorry about this but I really hope you'll try to understand my reasons, with you I've been the happier I've ever been and I just couldn't look you in the eyes and tell you that I was going to throw it all away before we even got the chance to see how things would've gone between us, and I'll always hate myself for that. I really wish you the best for your future Sophie, you deserve it."


Sophie read the letter with a few tears on her face, she read it for 30 times over and over hoping the words would change but they didn't so she fell asleep knowing that the boy she fell in love with was never going to be an option for her.

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