The One That Got Away

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  "Hey, mom...Listen to this card dad got for grandpa Jay" Luke told Claire as a voice started speaking from as Luke opened the card

"Hip-hip-hip-hooray! Save the extra hip. You'll need it someday"

"Cause he's old!" Luke explained laughing

"Mm. You're not giving him that"

"Even if he drinks his other gift first?" Phil asked


"Ladies...Do you remember exactly one year ago today when you did not have a gift for your grandfather and it killed him just a little, so I suggested you start interviewing all the members of the family for a video tribute? Well, check it and burn--" Claire told her daughters

"We totally did that" Sophie said still watching the TV 


"Almost" Alex said

"We just need to finish the editing" Haley finished for her

"And you should talk. You haven't even started on your gift yet" Sophie said finally looking away from the TV

"That's because I changed mine. I thought of a better idea yesterday"

"Come on, girls, TV off. It's your grandfather's birthday. We got to start taking this seriously" Claire said turning off the TV

Later, Sophie, Alex and Haley were editing the video for Jay 

"What are you guys doing?" Luke asked entering the kitchen

"Just editing our birthday tribute to grandpa" Sophie explained

"You know, some of the interviews I did didn't turn out so well" Alex told them

"That's okay. We'll just use the best stuff from what we all got" Haley said and then they started watching the interviews

"Okay, Haley, talk about grandpa" Alex said recording Haley

"Eww. I can't talk about grandpa dressed like this" Haley said and then left

"Hey, Sophie, what do you think about grandpa?" Alex asked entering Sophie's room, but she saw Sophie and Harry basically making out

"Seriously?! You want me to talk about grandpa right now?" Sophie asked as she pulled away from Harry

"I love my -- that stupid dog next door! Jay! Jay! Jay!!" Gloria yelled 

"...Three, four, five" Alex recoorded Mitchell as he was dancing

"Hey, Uncle Mitch, what do you think -"

"One, Two..."

"What are you doing?"

"N-nothing. You didn't see this, and w-we don't tell Cam. Capisce?"

"It'll only take one minute" Alex said following Phil as he got downstairs

"We don't have a minute"

"Who's Clive Bixby?" Alex asked him, still recording

"A friend of your mom's. Not now!"

"Hey, Uncle Cam, can you to talk about --" 

"Jay. I know. No time. I got a little girl's birthday party to save"

"Skedaddlo... go!"

"Oh, not now, honey. Your father's out back"

"Why don't you call him?"


"Dad! Your kids need you!"

"Grandpa is really cool. He once let me drink some of his beer" Luke said looking at the camera

"For the love of --"

"Root beer!"

"This is all we have?!" Sophie asked

"I could've sworn we had more!" Haley said 

"Well, let me work my magic. It's all about creative editing. Just give me two hours and another hour" Luke said taking Alex's place and started editing

"Somebody get me some chocolate milk with extra salt" He told them

Later, at Jay and Gloria's house

"Okay, dad, we all owe you an apology" Claire told Jay, since he basically had to save his own birthday party

"We were so worried about giving you a great night that we ruined your day, and I'm really sorry we didn't let you go fishing"

"Sorry, dad"

"Sorry, Jay"


"Sorry, grandpa"


"You know what? I'm acting like a jerk. What am I, 12?" Jay said

"Hey" Luke said 

"So I didn't get to go fishing. What, am I gonna pout about it? I still have my family, and you guys made such a big fuss. I love you all"


"So let's go get some cake and presents" Jay said

"Yes! Cake and presents!"

"Come on, everybody!"

"What the hell happened to the cake?" Jay asked once he saw the cake

"Nothing. It's beautiful. Okay, let's open the presents" Gloria said

"Yes! Presents! Presents!"

"Presents! Presents!"

"Who's first?"  Jay asked

"Mine first. Mine first"

"And as you know, Claire and I" MItchell started

"We didn't quite finish ours, but we will be getting that to you" Claire finished for him


"And our gift is a fuller version of that and a card"


"And, of course, the cake is, uh, mine" Cam said


 "And here we have a phone...In the shape of a mouth" Jay said opening Gloria's present

"Ah, you're welcome! Very sexy!" Gloria told him

"Oh, wait a minute. Don't tell me. Let me work this out. I mentioned a few times that I was thinking of taking up the saxophone, and you give me this. I got it! Is this a sexy phone?!"

"Happy Birthday!!"


"All right, what else we got?"

"Oh, uh... N-nothing" 

"Hmm. Maybe not a perfect showing on behalf of the adults in the family, but don't forget the kids still have their big gift" Claire told him

"And it took us a year to make" Sophie told him

"It's in the DVD player. You've got to come watch it" Luke said


"I'm so excited! Let's go, Jay! And bring your sexy phone"

"Oh, don't forget that"

"Okay, and -- and, uh, we all participated, so this is kind of from all of us" Claire said

"Yeah. Hit the lights!" Jay said as the lights went down and the music started



"Jay! Jay!!"





"Right now?!"


"Well, who wants to see it again?" Luke asked as the video finished

"That's it? That's all you used?" Sophie asked him 

"I wasn't even in it!" Alex said

 "That totally sucked" Haley told him

"You know what? Great party. Thank you all for coming. And I hope you forgive me. I'm gonna go upstairs, curl up with a ludlum, and call it a day" Jay said, clearly sad

"Hello" They heard Manny call from outside

"Manny? Where are you?" Gloria asked

"What are you doing out there?"

"What the hell?" Jay asked confused as he saw Manny in a boat in the pool 

"I dragged it back here this afternoon" Manny explained

"I know it's not the lake, but maybe we could pop open a few drinks and hang out on the water?"

"This is the life, huh? It ain't half bad" Jay said as he was now in the boat with Manny

"Ay, I want to get in the boat!" Gloria said


"All right"

"Me too!"

"I want to get in!"

"Come on, let's get in"

Later, at the Dunphys

"Okay, everybody... upstairs and, Luke, I want you to get in a hot bath right away" Claire said

"I'm still shivering"

"That's why you don't stand up in a boat" Alex said

"I was king of the world"

"Well, now you're dork of the night" Sophie said wrapping a towel around his shoulders as they all got upstairs except for Phil and Claire

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