Moon Landing

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Sophie and Luke entered the kitchen with some boxes

"Thank you" Alex said

"What are you doing with those?" Claire asked

"Me,Luke and Sophie are doing a recycling drive"

"Yeah, If we collect enough bottles they build a school in Africa" Sophie explained

"Wouldn't that be so cool to go to a school made out of bottles?" Luke said

"That would certainly be a special school. Did you hear what I said parents?"Special school"?" Alex said making Sophie chuckle and then Haley entered the kitchen

"Okay,nobody make a big deal about it but I just broke up with Dylan" she said

"No" Phil said

"Oh, no, this just ruined my whole day" Sophie sarcastically said and Claire lightly hitted her on the arm

"Oh my gosh,are you okay honey?" Claire asked

"Yeah,I'm fine I just-I need to date someone who has a clue,instead of an idiot who bangs his head every time he rides his bike out of his garage,every time!"

"I'm sorry honey, I'm sorry for both of you. I'll have to text him later" Phil said

"Mmm, I gotta jump in the shower,I'm gonna be late" Claire said

"Where are you going,Mom?" Sophie asked

"I'm going to meet my friend Valerie,I haven't seen her in 15 years. We used to work together"

"You had a job?" Luke asked


"I can't Imagine you working"

"Luke,let me tell you something, that is very offensive to women. Your Mom works very hard,it's just now she works for us" Phil said

"I will have you know that I had quite the little career going,I was an account manager at starcrest Hotels. I had a little cubicle,and-and I wore my tennis shoes to work and changed into my work pumps. It was very working girl"

"That movie's is so clutch" Phil said

"I don't mind saying I was making quite a splash" Claire said

"Then why did you quit?" Haley asked

"Well,Haley, call me old-fashioned but I wanted to focus on raising a family, so I married your Dad"

"Five months later, we were four months away from having this littles bundles of joy" Phil said hugging Haley and Sophie

Later, Claire was out with Valerie, Alex Sophie and Luke were taking out some bottles

"Dad,look" Luke said

"Just a second,buddy I'm on my way to the bathroom"

"Check it out. The Aubreys had this huge party last night and we got all this bottles to recycle" Alex said

"Sophie, take this box in".


"And Luke you take this one in"


In the kitchen

"Move this boxes there" Alex said

Sophie and Luke moved the boxes but Sophie made hers fall when Alex screamed

"God, you scared me. What happened?" Sophie said

"Yeah,you scared me too" Luke said

"I've seen a rat"


"I can't see it anymore, I'll get the broom"

"Yeah,fast!" Sophie said

"Okay,take one of the brooms and help me to find him"

"Alex!Look on the table" Sophie said and Alex tried to catch the rat

"On the box!"

"Where is it now?"

"I don't know I can't see it"

"On the couch!"

"Near the box!"

"On the stairs!"

"It's behind you!"

"Oh my God,where?!"

"How can it be so fast?!" Sophie asked

"Keep trying" after a while Claire opened the door

"Girls,what are you two doing?" she asked

"Trying to kill a rat"


"Oh my God where's your father?"

"He went outside to go to the bathroom" Sophie said

Later, Claire slammed the door

"One time! Once! One time I bring somebody home who I want to impress, and what do I find?! A bunch of booze-drenched hill people just sitting around in their underwear and-and chasing rats and fornicating in the stairwell!"

"Can I say something?" Phil asked

"No,no,you can't Mario!You said enough,but,there's nothing left to say but thank you,thank you all!" Claire said and walked out slamming the door and Phil taked of his mustache



"That was unreal, Mom was crazy" Haley said

"Yeah" Alex said

"I'm scared" Luke said

"I don't know, i just feel bad" Sophie said

"Look, I know your Mom pretty well, she's fine. I'd be willing to bet she's just composing herself taking a nice, long,peaceful walk in the park" Phil said

Later, Phil, Haley, Luke, Sophie and Alex were eating pizza and talking, when Claire entered the house

"Okay,you're so crazy, that song totally rules" Phil said

"Hey,honey" He greeted Claire


"Hey Mom" Luke said

"Hi Mom,you should try this pizza is really good" Sophie said



"No, seriously Dad, It's lame"

"Seriously Haley, It's not. You got some mustard or something on your face" he said the second sentence looking at Claire that wiped it off

"I think I know a little bit about music,I was a deejay in college. I had my own show in the coveted time slot, Daybreak with Dunphy"

"Are you kidding me?" Alex said

"No,I'm not kidding you,and I played Rick Astley"

"Come one guys let's sing it"

"No,no,no" Sophie and Luke said

"No, Dad" Haley said

"Yes,come on let's sing it will be fun"

"No, no" the kids said laughing with Phil, while Claire just looked at them and smiled happy at her family

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