Our Children,Ourselves

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"Honey, honey, look, look, she's doing that thing with her jaw again" Claire told Phil looking at Alex

"Poor kid. She puts so much pressure on herself.It's an obsessive-compulsive thing. I have read like 100 articles about it" Claire explained

"Where does she get it from?" She asked Phil

"Yeah, it's... it's a mystery" Phil said

"I know" Claire said then Sophie came in the kitchen bumping into the fridge while studying

"Here" Claire said making her sit down

"Sophie,Alex...Sweeties, hi! Hi, hi, hi.
Why don't you take a little break?"

"Mom, I have three tests tomorrow I can'ttake breaks" Sophie told her

"Mom, the test is tomorrow morning. I'm not taking any breaks" Alex told

"Just a little...Oh, okay"

"She does that jaw thing every six seconds" Haley said looking at Alex

"It's like the hippopotamus at the miniature-golf place" Luke said

"Ohh, I've bounced so many balls off those big teeth" Phil told him

"It's all about the timing!" Luke said trying to throw some food in Alex's mouth but missing

"Luke!" Claire called him

"So close!" Luke said

"Stop it, you..." Alex started

"Hey, hey, Luke, go to your room. Go on!" Claire told him

"She's got to eat. I did it out of love"



"Okay, pencils down" Phil told Sophie and Alex

"You're both taking a break" Claire said

"Mom, Dad, it's Chilton. The principal told me himself "Failure it's a part of life but not of Chilton" I can't take breaks"

"Honey, you've been studying for weeks. I bet you know more things than the books" Claire told her

"No, you don't understand"

"I... I can't afford to take a break either. Sanjay Patel's not taking a break" Alex said

"Well, obviously, Sanjay's parents don't care about him.Or "her".What is that... "Sanjay"? Phil asked

"Sanjay's the only one in class who might do better than me, and I cannot let that happen" Alex said

"Girls, listen to yourselves. It's just not healthy" Claire said

"This is my fault.You see me achieve excellence, and it puts a lot of pressure on you" Phil said

"What about me?" Claire asked

"Sorry. Yeah.It puts a lot of pressure on all the three of you"

"Thanks, Phil. Okay, come on. Let's go have some fun!"

"No!" Alex said

"Mom, Dad! I'm serious! In one year I'll be off to College, I have to study" Sophie said

"You did, and you will. A little break won't ruin your life"

"Let's go!"

"Yes!" Claire and Phil said


"Doesn't this feel good, sweethearts?" Claire asked

"It's fun, right?" Phil asked

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