Up All Night

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"Is there a reason why my window is wet?" Haley asked

"Mmm,no idea.Up top" Phil said raising his arm to give Luke an high-five, but when he raised it, it hurted

"What's wrong?"Claire asked

"Little twinge"

"Dad are you okay?" Sophie asked


"I'll call 911" Haley started talking

"Maybe the fireman will come" Alex said".

Phil,Haley and Alex started arguing over the phone

Later, in the evening

Sophie was finishing some homeworks when she heard yelling from upstairs so she went to check

"What's happening?"She asked as she entered her parents room with Luke following after her

"Yeah,why's everybody yelling?" He asked

"There's something wrong with dad" Alex explained

"Don't frighten them. Come here" Phil said trying to sit up, but he yelled as soon as he tried

"Oh, that's gotta be death!Death is coming!"

"Dad,you need to go to the hospital" Sophie said


"She's right" Alex and Haley agreed

"No, no, no. I just need a pill, give me the biggest one you can find"

"Honey, breath,just breath" Claire spoke

"That what I told you when you were in labour and you threw my smoothie at me. Pill!"

"Okay. I'm calling" Haley said

"No,no.It's fine, it's passing, it's passing. I'm sorry to alarm everyone,I think I was probably just overreacting because there's an alien inside me!"

"Okay kids,gather around.Like you're hugging me, but don't touch me, okay?"

"Now look, I'm gonna be fine"

"We know dad" Alex said

"We don't know that, It's a miracle I'm standing up. But in case anything happens-I want you to know if I'd had time, I would have fixed that step,"

"Thanks, Dad" Sophie said and after that, Luke started crying

"I broke the coffee table!I broke the glass coffee table" He said

"The one you swore you didn't break, and then we blamed Esperanza and fired her and she stole a turkey at Thanksgiving for her family and got deported?" Phil asked

"I'm sorry" Luke apologized

"You will be sorry" Phil said

Later, everybody walked into the hospital to see Phil

"We don't know, In case it doesn't promise me you'll be nice to your new fireman daddy"Phil told his kids

"My wife got dressed up for the firemen last night" He explained to the doctor

"I did not get dressed up"

"Those heels were really hot" Alex said

"You put on heels?"

"Oh yes,she did"

"Alex!" Claire said

"Let's just drop it"

"What are they doing to you Dad?" Luke asked

"I have a little scratchy rock inside of me and they're sliding in a tube and sucking it out"

"When was the last time you saw your old man scared?" Phil asked

"Tonight?" Sophie said

"Oh, this stuff is really hitting me. My insides feel like velvet"

"Why don't you guys wait out in the hallway, okay?" Claire said

After a while everything was fine, the procedure went great and Phil was
fine again

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