Boys' Night

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"Who's gonna do the dishes for the next week? Boys versus girls. Testosterone versus estrogen. Standing up to pee versus the squat" Phil said withouth starting to play

"Phil, come on" Claire said, and then Phil threw the ball and Claire missed

"Ohh. He's in her head, Luke" He said

 "And boys rule and girls drool" Luke said

"You drool all the time. Mom had to take you to a specialist" Alex said

"I'm still growing into my tongue"

"Hey, mom, can I go to the movies with Robin?" Haley asked

"No, you may not, 'cause you are still grounded"

"Then can I be sent to my room?" Haley asked

"Yeah, me too. I started this really interesting book, and i'd really like to finish it" Sophie said

"No, 'cause we're having some fun family time. We're gonna spend this beautiful afternoon outside in the fresh air, getting some exercise, okay?" Claire said

"Pitch it, Phil"

"Oh, well"

"That's the game" Phil and Claire said and then started going inside

"What do you mean? We just started" Luke said

"That was our only ball" Phil told him

"So what?  The game's over just because you're afraid of stupid Mr. Kleezak?" Luke asked

"Yep. I'm not going over there"

Later, Haley and Sophie were left to babysit Luke

"Oh, hey, Uncle Mitchell" Sophie heard Haley talk on the phone

"No. She had to take Alex to the oncologist"

"The optometrist" Sophie told her rolling her eyes

"Whatever" Haley told her

"So, should I give her a message?" Haley asked Mitchell

"I think that was clear"

"I can do it. I can watch Lily. I'm really good. I'm babysitting Luke right now" She heard Haley said and sighed, knowing tha she had no idea where Luke was

"Oh, seriously, I'm totally free. Being grounded is so much worse than it was in the olden days. My friends text and Facebook all the fun stuff they're doing while I'm stuck at home playing jenga with my dad. You don't even have to pay me"

"I promise I'll take super good care of her"

"Sophie's gonna be there"


"I can't babysit Lily this saturday" Sophie said

"Why not?"

"I'm meeting with Harry"

"We're obliviously going to invite the boys over" Haley told her

"We can't do that!"

"Of course we can. Please, they won't let me if you don't come"

"Okay, fine"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Yeah, sure. Hey, where's Luke" Sophie said smirking and then going to her room

"Luke? Luke?" She heard Haley call a few minutes later

"Oh my God! I was watching the news, and another flock of birds fell out of the sky dead. What is happening?" Alex said

"Sweetie, you got to stop watching the news" Claire told her

"That's your big solution? Embrace ignorance?" Sophie asked her

"Thank you" Alex told her

Sturday night

"Okay, so, the numbers are by the phone. There's food in the fridge. I just changed her diaper, so all you need to do is put her down in about a half-hour and not let a serial k*ll in the front door" Mitchell told both Sophie and Haley

"Well, what if he's cute?" Haley asked

"Then save him for us"

"Nobody in, nobody out"

"Oh, we're gonna be totally fine. You just go get your gay on" Haley told Mitchell and Cam

"Oh, it is on like Donkey Kong"

"Well, clearly it's not on yet, but it will be"

"It's on you" Mitchell wishpered before leaving to Sophie, that just nodded

Later, Haley called Harry and Dylan and told them to come over to Mitchell and Cam's house, even if Sophie wasn't sure about it. After a while Cam called and Haley answered

"Haley, hi. Is... is everything okay?" He asked

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I just saw two men walk through the living room"

"What? Where are you?" Sophie asked him

"I can see through the camera on the computer" He explained

"You're spying on us?" Sophie asked

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That is so lame. Look, I don't know what you think you saw... Maybe the TV, or the reflection, or maybe you think that our bodies are just shaped like boys, like we don't have hips or something" Haley told him

"No, no, no, no. You both have...darling figures.  I was just concerned that..."

"That hurts so much. This is the kind of thing that I expect from my mother, but not from my cool uncle, so thank you for all of your trust" Haley interrupted him

"Okay, I'm... sorry. Sorry" Cam said and then hung up

"Unbelievable" Haley said

"You guys got to go" She said


"i told you it wasn't a good idea" Sophie told her

"Shut up"

The next morning, Haley woke up Sophie early

"What is it?"  Sophie asked

"Dylan forgot his shoes to Mitchell and Cam's house" 

"What? How did he get home withouth shoes? You know what, forget it. Give me a few minute" 

At MItchell and Cam's house, Haley was distracting Mitchell and Cam while Sophie was looking for the shoes

"Haley! Sophie!" They greeted

"We need to talk. I know we freaked out on you last night, but you have to see it from our point of view. You were totally spying on us" Haley said

"I know"

"You were invading our first-amendment right to privacy"

"We were"

"I'm sick and tired of people not trusting me"

"I get it"

"And especially you guys. We don't think of you guys as our uncles, we think of you as our" friends. And if your friends don't believe in you, then what else do you have?"

"Dylan's shoes?" Cam said and then showed the shoes

"Please don't tell our mom" Sophie asked him

"Buckle up"

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