Bixby's Back

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"Just a reminder. I need the television at 8:00. Jeremy and I have a phone date to watch "Love Actually" Alex said

"That's the lamest plan ever, and I'm jealous" Haley told her

"Same" Sophie said


"So, my boyfriend, David blew me off on the most romantic night of the year to study! This is the worst Valentine's Day" Haley said

"I'm fine actually" Sophie said

"Bull, you miss Harry" Haley told her

"Shut up"

"I'm not saying I miss Dylan, but at least he was romantic. David never sent me a jar of his own tears"

"I miss Harry"

End Interview

"Name tags, name tags, name tags" Haley said

"What are you doing, and why do you have my phone?" Sophie asked

"Come on! Bingo! I know what to do. Dylan's been texting me again. And Tristan the guy who's in love with you texted you too"

"Bet if David and Harry knew that, they'd come running right over here"

"Haley, don't do that. It will just make things worse with Harry"

"It won't trust me"

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am. Let's go"

"Wait. Before you start playing these games, let me ask you one simple question... Who are Haley, and Sophie Dunphy?" Manny told them, but Haley just ignored him and dragged Sophie upstairs

"Don't do it, Haley!Sophie!"

"Stop following us" Haley said

"Let me just say my piece. Look, you can be the Haley, and Sophie who defines theirselfs as David girlfriend, or Dylan and Harry's girlfriends, or you can be your owns Haley and Sophie"

"Maybe you haven't met them, but I know them. They're amazing persons. So when you're ready, I'd like to introduce you" Manny said and started going away, but he stopped when Sophie opened the door


"I can't be the girl you want me to be, David. "I can only be me. Goodbye. Haley" Haley read the message Manny made her write to David

"It's fine. Now send it"

"I don't know"

"Here, I'll help you"

"No, no, no, no, no! Wow. That feels really good, why?" Haley asked him

"Because you're free"

"And really scary. I haven't been single since I was 9"

"That's why you need to take your time now... Really get to know yourself before you make any decisions... Five, six years maybe"

"Six years? I have to call David"

"The boy who tossed you aside on Valentine's Day? No. You deserve better - a dreamer, a poet. Wait for him. He may be closer than you think"

"Now, Sophie, you apologized to Harry. Plus, you could've not told him anything and lie but you decided to be honest. If he can't see what a great girl you are, then he doesn't deserve you"

"Do you hear music?" Sophie asked

"Yes, and the fact that you hear it, too.." Manny started

"Is that Dylan?" Haley asked and then ran outside followed by SOphie and Manny

"You know, the old Haley would have..." Manny started saying

" I love you, baby!" Haley interrupted him running in Dylan's arms

"You know, it's fine for you to take a break. Cause I don't think Harry's gonna come"

"Yeah, maybe you're right"

"Maybe not Harry, but Tristan is" Tristan said handing her a boquete of flowers

"You really are obsessed with flowers" Sophie joked

"Yeah, flowers and a certain girl named Sophie"

"Tristan, I-" Sophie started

"Sophie, now that Harry is out of the picture there's nothing between us"

"Except, Harry's not" Harry appeared from behind him with a boquette of flowers on his hand

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked Tristan

"I could ask you the same thing"

"I'm gonna take the girl that I love back" Harry said

"What?" Sophie said

"Yes, I love you Sophie, I love everything about you. Your love for books and school, your determinations, your humor, everything. I've been an idiot for losing a girl like you. Please, forgive me"

Sophie just kissed him, a passionate kiss 

"I love you too" She said and when they turned around to go inside, they saw Tristan

"Hey, I'm coming in a second" Sophie told him

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-"

"It's okay, you're in love with him. I can't tell you I'll move on, but I will leave you alone from now on. Unless, you want to be friends?"

"Yes, yes, of course"


"Thank you" Sophie told him and then kissed his cheek

"Good night, Mary"

"Night" She smiled at him

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