Egg Drop

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"So the five keys to investing wisely in a down real estate market are...Keyp your cool...

Keyp informed...Legwork" Phil explained to Sophie and Haley

"Do we really have to go to this thing?" Haley asked

"Yes. You girls are a big part of today. You're my support staff" Phil told them

"Then why aren't we getting paid?" Sophie asked

"That is a good question. And I think I'm gonna text you the answer on those cell phones we pay for" Claire said

"Honey, do you wanna practice your part again?" Phil asked her

"Uh, no. It's just one question. I think I got it"

"Yeah, but it's the most important question because it launches me into my big finish"


"That way, people leave excited" Phil said

"Oh, I think people will be excited to leave" Haley said

"Luke...Why?" Claire asked

"I'm sorry. It's for school. I have to design a container that'll protect an egg in a 1-story drop" He explained

"Yeah, so, um, you thought you would go with an egg carton?" Claire asked him

"What if the best idea was under my nose the whole time?"

"The floor is under your nose, why don't you try to be the container?" Sophie said

"You think it's gonna work?" Luke asked

"Sophie, stop trying to kill your brother. Luke, you're gonna need to come down and clean this up now" Claire said

"Ugh! I wouldn't have to do any of this if Alex would just let me use hers from when she took the class" Luke said

"Never. That design is my intellectual property. I think it has applications for unmanned space flight" Alex said

"Keep talking like that and you'll go through life unmanned" Haley told her

"Funny" Alex said sarcastically 

"Girls. Luke, honey, listen to me. You're gonna need to do this project on your own. And you can do it. Just... really think" Claire told him

"I've got it! What if Sophie's right? What if I'm the container?" Luke asked excited

"Give it a try" Sophie said

"There's a thought. You could be...No, Luke! Luke!" Claire yelled when Luke was laying on the bannister as Haley putted an egg in his mouth

Later, with Phil, Gloria, Sophie and Haley

"And those are your five keys. Now if there are no more questions... Ah, yes, the lovely home buyer right here on the edge of her seat" Phil said

"I was wondering...I was wondering, is there a sixth key?" Gloria asked

"As a matter of fact, there is. We'll work on that. It's the key to the new home you've purchased below market thanks to Woosnum, Keneally, and Dunphy" Phil said

"Bravo!" Gloria yelled

"Fire the confetti cannon, drop the banner, autographs, autographs, autographs, and we're done" Phil said

"Hey, dad" Sophie called 

"We still have, like, an hour left. Can we go shopping?" Haley asked

"No. I-I have vocal exercises to do, and I need you to do a sound check for me" Phil told them

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