The Butler's Escape

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Sophie was still sad about Lucas and the letter and that somehow managed to get to her grades. Nothing has ever gotten through Sophie and her grades, ever, not a fever, not family or friendships problems, but especially not boys.

Sophie got up from bed she decided that she wasn't going to cry about Lucas anymore, she had to get over him, in any way possible, she started getting ready, then Mary called and they started talking while Sophie went to get out of the dorm she got back in, took the letter and threw it in the garbage, she then took her books and left still talking to Mary.

"I think you're overreacting, Lucas broke your heart leaving and it messed up a little your grades, so what? You already got into Harvard, you'll study, you'll do better, everything's gonna be normal again, you just have to give yourself some time" Mary told her

"I don't have time, I have an exam next week, I already did my schedule" Sophie replied while she sat down at the table with her breakfast

"Please, tell me that it includes sleeping and eating" Mary replied jokingly

" It includes sleeping, eating, showering, talking to you and my family, oh by the way, on Wednesday i can only talk to you for 20 minutes, but, on Friday it's you for 40 minutes and my family for 20. The rest of the schedule is studying, studying, studying...oh and on my extra time some more studying" Sophie explained

"Mental" Mary replied while Sophie smiled to herself

"Now, that sounds like a busy schedule" A boy that appeared from beside Sophie spoke while sitting down in front of her

"Hey, I'll call you later" Sophie told Mary 

"Sweet you added me to your today schedule" Mary replied sarcastically

"Bye" Sophie chuckled


"So, what's on your schedule Saturday night?" The boy asked

"Why?" Sophie asked

"Because on mine there is a date with you" 

"I don't even know your name" Sophie replied but secretly enjoying his presence

"Right, presentations. James Thomson" He said

"Sophie Dunphy" She replied

"Nice to meet you Sophie, so, what about Saturday night?" James asked

"I can't, I have to-"

"Study? Predictable" James replied but didn't seem to give up as Sophie smiled slightly to the side

"What about coffee? Do you like coffee?"

"Coffee keeps me alive" Sophie replied

"Perfect, it's settled then" James smirked while getting up

"What?" Sophie asked confused

"Tomorrow, after your biology class, I'll meet you for coffee" He explained

"No, wait but-" Sophie tried to say but James was already leaving

"See you tomorrow Sophie" James Yelled interrupting her

"How do you know when my biology class is?" Sophie yelled back knowing she will never get an answer.

After breakfast she went to her Philosophy class and then she got back to her dorm to study.

Later Haley called Sophie

"Hey nerd, how's it going at the nerds island?" Haley asked her

"Harvard's great and I made some friends so I'm good, how's it at the drunks island" Sophie replied

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