Truth To Be Told

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"Hey,honey. Hugh Grant as a-Im in" Phil told Claire

"Okay, well, Alex has a cello lesson at 11:00 and Junior Congress at noon"

"Doesn't she also have no boys at forever?" Haley teased

"Don't you have an eating disorder you need to attend to?" Alex told her

"Yeah, anyway, uh, we could see the 4:00 or the 6:20" Claire said

"Oh, actually, that's no good. I'm meeting my friend Denise for a drink" Phil said

"Who's Denise?" Sophie asked

"My old girlfriend"

"Oh my God,gross I can't even picture you with with a woman" Haley said

"Thank you" Claire said

"You had a girlfriend before Mom?" Sophie asked

"Try two. Trust me, I had plenty of fun in my time"

"And then I meet your Mom"

"And thank you" Claire said again

"So I guess she travels around selling makeup for a cosmetics company. She's in town for a week.

"She's like a door-to-door salesman?" Alex asked

"If you were doing it, they'd call it a dork-to-dork salesman" Luke said

"Oh!, My boy strikes like a rattlesnake!" Phil said

"Oh, yeah? W-Well, you-" Alex tried to find a good come-back but didn't

"Wow. All right, well, we can see the movie tomorrow. Come on. It's time for your lesson" Claire said

"You mean her second lesson, because she just got schooled" Luke joked again

"What's wrong with me today?" Alex asked herself when she couldn't find any come-back again

"Shake it off, champ. It's not your day" Claire told her

Later, Sophie was in Haley and Alex's room watching a movie with Haley when Luke walked past the room

"Hey,Luke. Big day for you, huh?" Alex called him


"Because you will get to meet your real Mom"


"Alex-" Sophie tried to stop her

"Come on Sophie, we have to tell him the truth. We all made a pact we'd deny it until you turned 21" Alex interrupted her

"But that's the real reason Dad's old girlfriend's coming over"

"She's your Mom, and if she likes you, you'll go live with her"

"I'm not adopted. I'm asking Mom"

"You mean Mrs.Dunphy?She's not going to tell you the truth"

"I-I'm not-"

"I know" Alex said and after that Luke runned away

"Just cause he called you a dork-to-dork salesman?" Haley asked

"The empire strikes back" Alex said

"You're evil" Sophie joked turning her attention back to the movie

Later, Denise arrived

"Oh,Denise,I think you might know this people" Phil said

"Uh, that's Haley"



"Nice to meet you"


"And Luke"

"Oh,I had curly hair just like that when I was little" Denise said refering to Luke's hair

"So?That doesn't mean anything" Luke said with a scared face

"Why don't we,uh, come on in, have a seat. Please" Phil said

"So what was my Dad like in high school?" Sophie asked

"Only the most amazing break-dancer ever" Denise said

"No way" Haley said

"Oh, don't fire it up" Phil spoke

"What? What?" Denise said

"Oh,no" Phil said

"Yeah. He had a boom box and a piece of cardboard in his locker"

"And what was your dance name?"


"Yeah. I drove him to his,Star Search audition"

"Which is totally political, by the way"

"O-Zone" Sophie said

"Wow.You really lucked out. You have a beautiful wife, a gorgeous house"

"Oh.And those kids I could take Luke home with me"

"Well, be my guest. Seriously, you go right ahead" Claire joked

"No! I like it here!" Luke yelled before running into the kitchen

"Alex, honey, will you go find out what's wrong with your brother?" Claire said

"Sure" and a few minutes later they came back again with Luke even more scared than before

" You're evil" Sophie joked to Alex again

"He deserves it"


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