Princess Party

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Phil took Haley in her's and Alex room, where Sophie, Alex and Luke already were, covering her mouth

"Ew. Ew. Dad, gross. Your hand smells like cheese!"

"I didn't want to dirty a knife. Sit. Now, we all know when Nana Dede comes to visit, your mom can get a little..."





"All true. Therefore, I need you guys to be on your best behavior" 

"Don't worry. Me and Sophie will keep to ourselves. I have to practice for my cello recital" Alex said

"And I have to practice for my piano's" Sophie said

"Ohh, fine. You know what? If it keeps you out of your mom's hair, yes, do that. Luke, if your mom starts to lose it, I need you to lighten the mood by being extra cute"

"No problem. I've got some stuff prepared."Hey, mom, I'm 'firsty.'" Heh? Adorable, right?"

"Yeah, that's... that's good"

"Don't worry. It works better in my jammies" 

Later, Dede was outside the door and Alex and Sophie were playing "Jaws" theme  with their instruments

"Hey, mom. Dad and Nana just pulled in" Luke told Claire while Sophie and Alex continued playing the "Jaws" theme

"Aah!" Dede greeted Claire with a smile

"Oh, wow" Claire said forcing a smile

"Claire bear!"


"Oh, my sweet girl! Gosh, I forget that you're all grown up" Dede told her


"You know, in my mind, you're still 12. Well, look at us... just two old ladies" Dede said and they both laughed


"So, anyways, you'll ever guess who I saw at the airport" Dede told her

"Mm. Who's that?"

"Robbie Sullivan"

Robbie... my Robbie Sullivan from high school? God, I haven't seen him in...years. Decades, really" Claire said

"I always liked him. And as I recall, the two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other" Dede said

"Oh, really, mom?" Sophie asked

"That's...not true" Claire said

"It is true. I read it in your diary" Dede told Claire

"You read my diary!"

"Well...Yeah. I-I read it because I wanted to see if you were on drugs. It's called parenting, Claire"

"Mm-hmm. So, mom..." 

"Okay, buddy. We're gonna need you on the front lines sooner than expected. Are you ready to be cute?" Phil asked Luke


"Go get 'em" 

"Hi, mommy. My tummy's growling. Can I have some pas-ghetti?" Luke told Claire hugging her

"Sweetie, you're hurting me. And take a shower tonight. Your hair smells like cheese" Claire said and the the doorbell rang

"I'll get it" Dede said

"Okay, I need a giant lollipop, and I need it now" Luke said going back to Phil

"Oh, there's my girl!" A man said

"Oh, my God"

"Robbie?!" Claire asked

"Look at you!" Robbie said

"Surprise! I invited him to dinner!" Dede said

"What?"  Claire asked

"Didn't I tell you she'd be excited?" Dede told Robbie

"Huh? I... Uh-huh. I don't know what to say" Claire said

"Well, maybe a fuzzy navel wine cooler will loosen you up. Sure used to"


"Hey, honey, who's this?" Phil asked

"This is, um...Robbie...My boyfriend from when I was 17 years old, whom my mom invited to dinner" Claire told him

"Phil Dunphy" Phil greeted Robbie

"Hey, Phil. How do you know Claire?"

"I know Claire from being married to Claire"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" Robbie said

"U-um...Wait a minute. Uh...Mom didn't mention that I'm married with four kids?"

"No. All she said was that you were still trying to figure out your life"

"Really?" Claire asked

"Yeah" After that Sophie stopped listening to the conversation and started texting Harry


"Whoa. You came here in a limo?" Luke asked Robbie

"Yep. That's right, little dude"

"Are you rich?" Luke asked him

"Luke, that's not polite. Maybe Robbie isn't rich, but he needs a limo because he has a lot of DUIs" Phil said

"Nope. It's nothing like that. The truth is, Luke, I am rich, but not with money. I've got my abs, I've got my hair, and I've got a super-sweet job driving that limo outside"


"It is cool"

"Hey, Luke, who's taller?Me or your dad?" Robbie asked Luke

"Oh... I don't think we need to...I am just wearing socks, buddy" Phil said

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