Little Bo Bleep

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"Hey, did you guys see it?" Gloria asked whispering

"Does she know?" Mitchell asked Phil

"This is the last thing she needs today. No!" Phil told them


"Busy day at the Dunphy compound. We have a wedding tonight, and this afternoon, Claire is debating Duane Bailey in the race for town council. And now the "weekly saver" says that some voters find Claire-- quote--"angry and unlikable."To those voters, I say, "wait till she sees this." Phil said looking at the camera

"No one can mention it to her. We can't have some unscientific poll shaking Claire's confidence" Phil told them

"Phil...What poll?" Claire asked

"Too late" Sophie commented not looking up from her phone

"She knows" Phil said

"Who told her?" Mitchell asked

"What is this, a witch hunt?" Phil asked

"Oh, my God" Claire said as she read the "weekly saver"

"I have to go" Phil said

"Well, I just don't think it's a big deal. I mean, how many people read the "weekly..." Claire told them

"Saver"?" Haley said

"Saver," anyway?"

"22,000... ish.  My company adver-- used to advertise with that newspaper" Phil told her

"Seems a lot of people" Sophie commented sarcastically

"And how am I angry and unlikable?" Claire asked

"Do you really want me to answer that" 

"Can I take this one?" Sophie and Alex asked

"I wouldn't" Phil told them

"You seem angry now" Haley pointed out while looking at Claire

"I am angry, at that poll" Claire said

"I think it's the yelling. I would tone down the yelling" Luke told her

"Honey, I don't yell for no reason" 

"You yelled at my teacher for calling me "special." Luke said

"Honey, that was not a compliment" She explained to him

"Sweetheart, you're not unlikable" Phil told her

"Thank you"

"You just seem unlikable"


"But if we work on it, it's totally fixable" He said

"It's a lot of work" Sophie said

"Sophie" Phil called

"How? How, Phil? How are we gonna "work on it"?" Claire asked him

"First of all, lose the snippy attitude" He said


"And I don't know-- maybe we could have a mock debate" He proposed

"Oh. Good idea. That way, mom can rehearse her views on the issues" Alex said

"Yeah, and we can point out all the little things she does that turn people off" Phil said

"Like that look. I would lose that look" Haley commented

"Spooky, but better" Phil commented when Claire changed expression

Later, in the living room

"Welcome, candidates. Mrs. Dunphy..."  Alex spoke

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