Me? Jealous?

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"Oh, I hope Tad likes salmon. It's a bit of a risk serving fish to a first-time diner at Dunphy's. Maybe I should marinate a steak for backup" Phil said

"I think someone has a man crush" Alex teased

"First of all, I would never date a potential client" 

"Sure doesn't sounds like it" Sophie told him

"That's "first of all"?" Claire asked Phil

"Secondly, I really need this to go well so he makes me his realtor. This guy's flipping properties like they're extras in a kung fu movie"

"So you're just kissing up to this guy for his money?" Alex asked

"Not just. I really like him. He travels the world doing charity work, rock climbs, flies planes..."

"How does he have time to do all that?" Luke asked

"Got divorced, and his whole life opened up. Guy's living the dream. His dream. Not my dream. I'm living my dream. You're my dream" Phil told Claire realizing what he said

"You can stop"

"I so don't want to do this" Haley said entering the kitchen

"Hey, you're the one who tried to convince me to do this. I told you it was bullshit" Sophie told her

"Language" Claire said


"Recently, Haley got a little creative on one of her college applications and listed herself as a "big sister." and she somehow she managed Sophie to do the same" Claire eexplained

"Hey, didn't write that on the Yale or Harvard's ones" Sophie told her

"Technically, we are big sisters" Haley pointed out

"Haley capitalized the "b" and the "s." Phil said

"Which makes sense, 'cause it was" Haley said

"Oh, my God" Sophie sighed

"So Claire and I suggested--"

"Forced" Both Sophie and Haley said

"That they volunteer for the organization. We couldn't be prouder"

"We could. Little bit" Claire said

End Interview


"Annie was amazing, so funny and cute and sweet"

"So was Kiara, I wish she stayed here forever" Haley and Sophie told Alex while they were in Haley and Alex's room

"Yeah, you've said" Alex commented but both Sophie and Haley ignored her

"Annie made this for me last night.
Look how she signs her name with that big loopy "a." Haley said showing a draw Annie made for her

"Aww, it's so cute. And look what Kiara made for me" Sophie said showing a bracelet with both Sophie and Kiara's names on it

"It's so beautiful" Haley said

"Right? I gotta wear this right now"

"And I'm totally going to frame this" Haley said referring to the draw


"I made this for Haley and this for Sophie four years ago. You think this got weared or this got framed?" Alex said showing a draw she made for Haley signed the the capital A exactly like Annie and a bracelet she made for Sophie like Kiara's one just with Sophie and Alex's names

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