"The point remains that portraiture has always been a vital aspect of art, and photography, for as long as it has existed." He refocused his gaze on me. "Now, Max, since you've caught our attention and clearly want to join in the conversation, could you please tell us the name of the process that gave rise to the first self-portrait?"

I was silent for a moment.

"You ask me? Let me think... Um..."

Mr Jefferson who was dissatisfied with my answer hit the table behind him. "You either know this or you don't, Max. Does anyone here know about this?"

Victoria, no surprise huh, raised one hand. "Louis Daguerre was a French painter who created "daguerreotypes," a process that gives portraits a sharply reflective, mirror-like style." She turned towards me. "Now you're really trapped in the Retro Zone. Sad face."

Taylor laughed.

"Very good, Victoria. The Daguerreian process brings out the fine details in people's faces, making them very popular from the 1800s onwards. The first American daguerreotype self-portrait was done by Robert Cornelius. You can find out all about him... In your textbook. Or even...online."

The bell rings.

"And guys, don't forget the deadline for submitting photos in the "Everyday Heroes" contest. I'll be flying with the winner head to San Francisco where you'll be entertained by the art world. It's great exposure, and can kick-start a career in photography. So, Stella and Alyssa, get together!" Mr. Jefferson pointed at those who pretended not to hear. "Taylor, don't hide. I'm still waiting for your entry too," he said, then my nightmare came. "And yes, Max, I saw you pretending not to see me."

I took a deep breath, if it was still there...

Victoria walked up to Mr. Jefferson. She really doesn't waste any time kissing ass...

When everyone almost left the classroom, Kate didn't move at all at her desk. She was still looking down and the gray atmosphere enveloped her very thickly when I approached. Pity...

I can't remember the last time I saw Kate smile. She was always sweet and kind, even though other students made fun of her for her "abstinence campaign." In fact, Kate knows a lot. I knew she was involved in a lot of religious gatherings, but as long as she never preached in front of me, I didn't care.

"Hey, Kate."

"Hey, Max?"

"You seem quiet today," I said carefully.

"Just thinking too much..."

I nodded. "I understand that. Want to have a cup of tea and grumble about life?"

Kate smiled brittlely for less than a second. Her eyelids were black and hanging. "Thanks, but not today. I have to do my homework."

"Don't worry. We can hang out later."

"Sure," she answered.

I don't want to bother her anymore. I left her and walked forward.

A carving on the table caught my attention. Hmmm... Maybe this could be a cool photo.


I know if I get out of class straight away, Mr. Jefferson will definitely yell at me to collect my photos. So instead of avoiding him, I'd better approach him.

Victoria propped herself up on the table while talking to Mr. Jefferson. Every time I see her, I feel like she's talking trash about me.

This is ridiculous. I always felt nervous and shy around Mr. Jefferson.

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