Bad Moon Rising 2x03

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After making sure Caroline is going to be okay with Stefan and that he will be able to convince Bonnie to make daylight ring for Care, I agree to go with Alaric, Elena and Damon to Duke college to help them.

Car ride to Duke was definitely the most awkward car ride I have ever been in and the most awkward in history.

"How are you doing back there? You know, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly." Damon asks us and I glare at him because I am still not over the fact that he killed our brother.

"I don't think they're pretending. You did kill their brother." Alaric tells him.

"There is a huge asterisk next to that statement: he came back to life."

"Yeah, thanks to a ring that you didn't know he was wearing." Elena says.

"Why are you so sure I didn't know?" he asks her.

"Did you?" I asks him.


"You're lying." I say.

"Girls, I saw the ring! It's a big tacky thing. Hard to miss." He says but I don't believe him even for a second.

We thankfully finally arrive after what seems like a thousand years.

"So Isobel was officially employed by the anthropology department given that most paranormal phenomenon is rooted in folklore." Alaric tells us and we go to the offices.

"Excuse me, hi. I'm Alaric Saltzman, I called earlier." He says to some girl.

"Yes, of course. I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant, comparative folklore."She looks strangely at Elena. "Uh, let me just grab Isobel's keys. "

"These are my friends Elena, Ana and Damon. I hope this isn't too much of an imposition."

"Oh please, Isobel's office is right through there. Isobel was one of my first professors. I'm a grad student. She was brilliant, and one of the reasons I went into folklore. Uh, I have to ask - has there been any news?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"It's this way." She says as she leads us to the office. She opens the door and we walk in.

"I'll grab the light, feel free to look around. It's fascinating isn't it?" She tells us as she leaves. And we look through the room.

"Where'd she go?" Damon asks as I turn around and see Vanessa coming back with a crossbow and she shoots an arrow at Elena but Damon rushes over and puts himself in front of Elena to protect her. He receives the arrow in his back, grunts, and falls to the floor. Alaric catches Vanessa and pushes her against the wall, restraining her.

Later I am with Alaric and Vanessa when she tries to get up from the chair she was previously sitting on I push her back.

"Please! I freaked out okay? Alright, you would have done the same thing, it's not possible! Katherine Pierce can't be alive and Damon Salvatore died in 1864. Okay? I read Isobel's research." She tells us.

"Well, then you should know just how possible this." Ric tells her, just as Elena and Damon arrive.

"I'm Elena Gilbert, Isobel's daughter and a descendant of Katherine Pierce. And this is Damon Salvatore who you just shot." Elena explain her.

"I'd be extra nice to me right now." Damon says.

"Look, we need your help okay? We need to see all of Isobel's research, anything related to Mystic Falls." I tell her explaining the reason why we're here.


"This box checks Katherine's arrival to Mystic Falls in April 1864." Vanessa says as she brings us some box.

"Is that all there is about her?" Elena asks.

"All that I'm aware of." She says as Elena sees and gives it to Vanessa. And I walk over to Damon who's looking for information in the other room.

"Nope, not at all." Damon all of a sudden said and I guess he was listening on Vanessa and Elena conversation.

"No, that would be creepy." He says in a mocking tone.

"You know, if you want to see me naked, all you have to do is ask." He says and I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"No, that he can't do. He is very capable of being a first rate jackass." I hear Elena says as Vanessa puts the vervain in her pocket.

"Any luck?" Damon asked.

"There's nothing in here about Katherine that we don't already know." I tell him as Elena and I look through the box trying to find informations about Katherine.

"Ah, man, you know, it's a bummer we're not friends anymore because I could tell you what I know." he says.

"Now who's manipulating who?"  Elena asks him.

"Hey guys, check this out." Alaric calls us and we go to him.

"There's no record of werewolf mythology in Mystic Falls, but here are some records of some of the lesser-known legends. Everything from Scandinavian skin-walkers to the Maréchal de Retz." Vanessa tell us as she gives a book with drawings.

"See, told you werewolves are real." I tell Damon and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Not the time" He tells me.

"Tonartsliitsii Metslii, which roughly translates into the 'curse of the sun and the moon'." She says and it sounds familiar to me, I just can't remember where I heard it and what the curse is.

"It's Native American." Alaric says and then it clicked in my head where I heard and what the curse is.

"Aztec, actually. It explains one origin of the werewolf curse traced through Virginia. The short story: 600 years ago, the Aztecs were plagued by werewolves and vampires. They terrorized the countryside, made farming and hunting impossible until an Aztec shaman cursed them, making vampires slaves to the sun and werewolves servants of the moon. As a result, vampires could only prowl at night and werewolves could only turn on a full moon. When the full moon crests in the sky, who's ever unlucky enough to fall under the werewolf curse turns into a wolf." I explain to them remembering Sheila telling me about the curse.

"Can they control the transformation?" Damon asks.

"If it were a choice, it wouldn't be called a curse." Vanessa tells him.

"Werewolves will attack humans but instinct and centuries of rivalry have hardwired them to hunt their prey of choice: vampires." I tell him.

"Well, if werewolves were hunting vampires, I would know about it." Damon says and I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Not if there aren't that many werewolves left alive. Hundreds of years ago, vampires hunted them almost to extinction." Vanessa tells him.

"Why would they do that?"

"To protect themselves." I say as I remember that Sheila also said that werewolf bite is fatal to vampires so I add. "A werewolf bite is fatal to vampires." I say and Alaric, Elena and Damon look concerned.

"Oh... Why didn't you mention that before?" Damon asks me.

"I'm sorry I forgot." I say and Damon doesn't look happy and  Elena goes to call Stefan.

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