Chapter 21- Jamie

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"What is this thing?" I asked.
"How am I supposed to know, I only just nicked it!" Fred said humorously.
George snatched it from him.
"You can't just start jabbering about it now!"
And inked writing began to spread itself on the parchment. We ran upstairs to the boys dormitory. Apparently girls are allowed in. Nobody was in here.
"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map. It's a map!" I read out loud.
We spent the next 10 minutes trying to open it, until Fred finally did it.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He said firmly
The map opened up on the table we had put it on.
"It's a map of Hogwarts. Look, it shows where everyone is!" I exclaimed.
I walked a few feet away and began putting my hair in two braids.
"What will we do with this?" I said through clenched teeth because I had my brush in my teeth.
"Well you see, Helena pretty much gave us the goal of causing as much trouble was we can." George said.
All of a sudden, I heard someone speak loudly but also in a voice sounding like it almost didn't want to be heard.
"Can someone come outside?" It was a gentle voice. I set down the brush and finished tying off my hair. Then, I went through the portrait of the Fat Lady.
"Who is it?" The person asked.
"It's Jamie." I responded.
The person came out of hiding. It was Helena.
"How are you? I saw your giant group sneak off during breakfast." She asked.
"Oh, we were just intentionally trying to get in trouble." I said proudly. She nodded, looking impressed.
"That's nice. I'm not brave enough to do something like that." She admitted.
"Oh, I'm sure you are. Would you like to come inside? Fred's just nicked something that's really amazing." I beckoned her to the portrait of the Fat Lady.
She hesitated for a while then said, "Oh, all right. I'd like to see the common room."
I said the password again and we went in. The Fat Lady gave Helena a funny look and glanced at her robes but merely shrugged and let her pass.
When I moved back over to the table, Helena squeezed in between me and Fred.
"What is is?"
"A map of Hogwarts." George spoke.
And we talked and talked about the map for ages. Then we had to go to class.
"See you later, Jamie!" Helena waved goodbye and set off for charms. We had transfiguration.
In the class, I realized that that I was really good at Transfiguration. I was the first to complete the task set out. Fred gawked at me and George shook his head in disbelief and jealousy.
"Fred, that's a really stupid face." I said, laughing.
After the lesson was over, we all left and met up with Helena. The twins left after being called over by Lee Jordan.
A little farther of a walk, a Ravenclaw was walking with an amount of books that made her look like a prat. Helena squeezed my arm and said quietly, "That's Colleen."
Of course, because only a real idiot would look like that. She took one look at Helena and scoffed.
"So you were telling the truth. Faye is actually your friend." She said with a snarky attitude.
"Of course she was, Rohit." I said strongly. She stared at me for a second then turned to Helena.
"You know, all those things that you said earlier were stupid. You were lucky that Flitwick saw me. I would've hurt you." She said, trying to pry some reaction from her. That half-worked. It didn't affect Helena. But it struck a nerve for me. I glared coldly at her. She pulled out her wand, dropping her books on the ground. I did the same thing.
We were trying to have a duel, but seeing as neither of us knew any spells that would actually harm the other, that was useless. I tossed my wand away and Helena caught it. Colleen's merely rolled away because nobody wanted to pick it up.
A big enough group of students had started to watch, and Fred and George returned just soon enough to see us both try to put each other in headlocks. Nobody else could really tell from the audience, but even though we were both screaming, we were for different reasons. I was because of triumph and anger, and she was in distress. No doubt, she was smaller and less muscular than me. The only advantages she had over me was her long nails, which dug into my skin, and her viciousness.
She started throwing punches, and one hit me in the eye and the other straight in the mouth. I didn't want to get in trouble. I wanted to get HER in trouble. I didn't have to hurt her, I just had to let her hurt me. That way, any witnesses would be able to prove that any kicks or scratches I made were merely self-defense.
"Why are you so weak?" The girl taunted. When she pinned me to the ground, I looked up at Helena and the twins. Their faces were filled with horror, and Helena's eyes had tears. I was going to bring Colleen down in a different way.
A quick knee to the jaw made me cringe. The pain there was murder.
I quickly kicked out my leg and she tripped. Crying out, she got angrier and then punched me square in the face. I swayed for a moment and could feel my vision fading. Before I collapsed, I felt someone grab me, and then heard a firm voice shout. The darkness closed in, and I knew what would happen before it did.
=============== Later======
How sore was I after I woke up? Not too bad, thanks for asking.
"Jamie?" I could hear George's voice before my eyes opened.
The hospital wing was almost empty. Colleen wasn't there.
"How long have I been in here?" I said, sitting up.
"About a day. Your mum sent a letter as soon as she'd been told. I hope you don't mind that I read it. She's not disappointed at all. In fact, I think she's actually proud of you. Here." Fred said, handing me the letter.

Dear Jamie,
When I heard that you were hurt I had to send a letter. I wanted to go straight there but your father wanted me to stay at home. Your friends are probably giving you enough hospitality.
You might think that I'm disappointed, but I'm actually proud of you. McGonagal told us that witnesses heard that horrible girl say that she would've hurt Helena. You stood up for her. I couldn't be more proud.
I hope you get better. Don't go picking fights but if they attack first, I give you full permission to fight back.
Send me more letters, but wait until you're all better.
Sincerely, Mother

"Madam Pomfrey already mended your nose and jaw. She didn't heal your bruises and such because she wanted them to heal naturally, or something like that." George informed me.
Helena creeped out from behind and said, "That was really hard to watch! You scared me to death!"
"It was all part of the plan. I was letting her hurt me." I said quietly so Madam Pomfrey wouldn't hear
"Why?" Fred and George asked together.
"Because I only wanted to get her in trouble after the initial attack. She's probably sitting on the train back to London." I said sharply.
"Actually, she's not expelled." Helena piped up.
"WHAT?" I shouted. Madam Pomfrey looked over then went back to tending another student.
"She has got detention for the rest of the year though. And Flitwick took 100 points from Ravenclaw. I'm not even mad about it, but the rest of them are." She said triumphantly.
"McGonagal actually gave Gryffindor points. We heard that one of the witnesses told her everything. It was pretty accurate actually. They said that you barely laid a finger on her. So McGonagal said that she'd be giving us points for that. And it wasn't just five. She gave us fifty!" Fred exclaimed.
"The other professors don't know about how many points we earned. I don't think any of the other heads would've given any." George added.
"That was nice of her." I said.
"She actually came to see you. That's never happened. But then again, I don't think she's ever seen a student beat up another." Helena admitted.
"Colleen's a bit young to be that vicious. I mean, she was relentless!" Fred said.
"Yeah, we knew as soon as she did that punch in the face that you were out. We all ran and caught you before your head hit the ground." George went on, "Hagrid came and picked you up and carried you here."
Madam Pomfrey came over and dismissed me.
"You're free to go. The bruises and all will heal eventually, and I've bigger matters to attend to."
I got up from the creaky bed and nearly fell over because my legs had gone all numb.
"Here we'll help." The twins said, both helping to keep me upright.
"Thanks. I can't wait to see Colleen." I said grinning.
"Me too. She'll be furious." Helena sounded kind of evil.
"Oh, and when Madam Pomfrey was fixing your swollen lips, I told her to make sure she didn't mess up your lips. I really like them." She said.
"Thanks. I've always wanted nice lips." I laughed.
"They're not as full as they could be, but I like this better." She smiled. I puckered up my lips and made an outrageously stupid face.
"That's attractive." George said, trying not to laugh.
"You're an idiot sometimes, do you know that?" Fred joked.
After walking (kinda) for a while, the feeling in my legs came back and I could actually stand up on my own.
We passed Colleen is the corridors.
She looked like she wanted to murder all of us.

Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now