Chapter 15- Jamie

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I walked out of the owlery prepared to continue my day whilst Fred and George and Helena bonded.
I kept on walking. I really hope that those three learn lots about each other.
But while I waited? What would I do? I don't have homework. No detention, at least not yet.
One word. Drawing. I also knew what.
I returned to the Gryffindor common room to find it nearly empty. But my stuff was up in the dormitory.
I grabbed the parchment and quills. It would just be an ink sketch but it would look nice.
The subject of my drawing was easy to figure out. It'd be my friends. I set to work scratching in the outlines.
30 minutes later I was done, and quite proud of myself for what I'd completed.
My drawing showed the most interesting highlights of Helena's beautiful eyes, the details of George face, and the features of Fred.
Tired, I sat by the fire, growing drowsy. I felt my eyes getting heavy.
But I couldn't fall asleep, I had classes soon. I wouldn't even get to see Helena. But at least I'd have the twins.
I wonder what they've been talking about. Family? Past? Stupid things you'd only want your friend to know? Who knows? Besides them of course, but that's besides the point.
I suppose a nap couldn't hurt. I make myself comfortable on the couch. The fire warms me and the pillows are cozy. My eyes close and I fall asleep.

Sorry that this was a shorter chapter than the others. I'm REALLY tired, so I channeled my exhaustion into Jamie. Anyways, hope you're liking the story. I promise that while the first year may seem less interesting, a cool thing happen in their first year. If you've played attention to the book/movie you'll know.
Once again, I am begging you, PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! We absolutely need feedback. Do you love it (or list it? jk) or hate it? What can improve? Just let us know.
-Stephanie, 1/2 of this account😀

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