Chapter 6- Helena

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The train left the station and I sat in the car across from the girl I had met at the station. She was the first to break the silence.
"What's your name?" She asked
"I'm Helena, Helena Williams. What about you?" I replied
"Me? I'm Jamie Faye." She replied her voice filled with confidence. I decided then that it would be nice to have a friend who's confidence would balance out my shyness.
"Are you nervous?" I asked. I definitely was.
"I guess." She replied,"Not too much though. My parents went to Hogwarts too. They're purebloods."
I had heard that purebloods held grudges against those of muggle descent. I hoped she wasn't like that considering my mom was completely muggle.
I guess she could see my thoughts clear on my face when she asked me, "Oh, sorry, are you muggle-born?"
"No. My mom is a muggle, but my dad's a wizard." I replied
"I must've sounded like a boastful purebloods. I'm a blood traitor. Muggle-borns are fine with me. I despise the word Mudblood." I was relieved that Jamie wasn't like some of the other purebloods. Hopefully we get sorted in the same house so I have one friend at least.
She turned looked out the window. "I think we're here!" She exclaimed.
I craned her neck to look at the window. The Hogwarts castle stood proudly before me as I watched in awe.


Hey, thank you guys so much for reading this. Over 50 views in the first day is amazing!!!!! I just wanted to thank you guys for that.

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Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя