Chapter 17- Jamie

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Fred woke me up from my nap and I was displeased. I really wish I hadn't fallen asleep. All it did was make me all the more tired.
We started walking to our first class. For Helena, that was Transfiguration. For the rest of us, that was charms.
"Catch you later, Helena. You'd best be headed to the Transfiguration Courtyard." Fred pointed her in the right direction.
I waved goodbye to her and kept walking. When we were climbing down one of the flights of stairs, my foot slipped and fell through a gap in the stairs.
"Woah! Sorry about that, should've warned you! Our brothers have told us about that." George told me.
"Let me help you." Fred told me, and he held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.
"Thanks," I said, "let's go. Do you know where we're going?"
"Probably." George said.
"Do you not trust us?" Fred was appalled, but in a joking way.
"No I do, in fact, my last name means trust. Trust, confidence, and belief."I said.
"That's interesting." George said.
"So, Jamie. We asked Helena about Quidditch. Are you planning to try out for the team?" Fred asked.
"Oh yes, I might actually. I need to practice though. There's no way I can where I live." I responded.
"You should come to our house over summer. We have our own small pitch. What position do you like?" George sounded extremely enthusiastic.
"It doesn't really matter. But I do love playing keeper. I have a Silver Arrow. It's quite good actually. Anyway, let's hurry up. We'll be late!" I said.
We hurried to the charms classroom and got there just in time for class to start.
The professor was a small man. My mother told me about him. His name is Professor Flitwick.
"Good afternoon, class!" He squeaked. The Gryffindors responded with a "Good afternoon, Professor Flitwick!" but the Slytherins just sat silently.
I leaned over and whispered into Angelina's ear, "Lovely bunch, aren't they?" and she laughed.
"Alright everyone, we'll begin with a simpler spell! The levitation charm. It's incantation is 'Wingardium Leviosa', and you need to do a swish and flick motion! See?" Flitwick said. He pointed bus wand at a feather, saying the incantation.
"Go ahead, try it!"
I picked up my wand and pointed it at the feather. And because I'm an idiot, I performed the swish and flick motion then said, "Windargium Levisur!".
"I think you said it wrong." George pointed out. I gave him a nudge on the shoulder.
"Shut up. I was nervous." I pouted.
"You, nervous? You're lying." Fred said as he messed up my hair and I smiled whilst trying to fix it. Then I was prepared to try again.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" I exclaimed, swishing and flicking. The feather floated into the air.
"Well done, Miss Faye!" Professor Flitwick said applauding. The Slytherins gave rather scathing looks, since only the Gryffindors had managed to perform the spell correctly.
As the lesson drew to a close, we packed up our books and left.
The day went in with our lessons, then we went to dinner.
"I'm starving!" Said Helena coming up behind us.
We sat down at our tables and ate. Once the dinner was finished, I stood up and decided to leave.
"You guys can stay here, I'm going up early." I said. I went up to each of them separately and gave them a hug. It was in a friendly way, like you see family members do. George didn't know what to do and Fred's face was hilarious. As I walked away, I could hear the other girls laughing at their reactions.
I went up to the common room and sat by the fire. Later the twins got back up. Fred went up to bed and George stayed, saying he wanted to check something. I went up to the girls dormitory, and got ready for bed. I climbed into the bed and slept.
---------- 3 hours later -----------
I was awoken by a noise coming from the common room. Quietly slipping out of the room, I tiptoed down the stairs to see what was going on.
George had apparently fallen asleep on the sofa. Now, he had fallen off and was lying on the floor. But that's not all. I saw him wincing in pain, to what I did not know. Then I saw it.
A heavy object had been knocked over and landed on his hand.
"Oh my god! Here I'll help!" I exclaimed quietly. I tried lifting it off, but it was no good. George cringed and I apologized and swore silently.
I thought of my charms lesson, and knew what I should do.
I pulled out my wand, swished and flicked, then murmured in an audible tone, "Wingardium Leviosa.".
The object levitated and I moved it onto the nearest table.
"Are you okay?"
"I guess, I mean, I'll live and nothing's broken, so, sure I'm fine. Thanks for helping, Jamie." He responded.
"Come sit. I'll make it feel better." I beckoned him to sit on the sofa.
He slowly tried to get up, avoiding use of his hand, but failed. I helped him by slinging his arm around me, then I pulled him onto the couch.
"Give me your hand." I commanded gently.
I feel like this is an excellent bonding experience. You know, helping a friend out when it's needed most.
He help out his hand and I grabbed it with one of mine. With my other hand, I massaged his swollen hand.
Every once in a while he would show signs of pain but only for a little bit.
"Have you done this before?" He asked.
"Yeah, once. Ok, I think you're good." I said.
"C'mon, it's late. Let's go back up." He said.
See you tommorow, loser." I said laughing.
I went up on the right staircase and he went up the left staircase.
I crawled into bed silently. After pondering how fun this day has been, I drifted off to sleep.

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