Chapter 7- Jamie

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As the train pulled into the station, all the other students fought for window space. A large man stood with a lantern and a hound dog waving for the first years to follow him. Me and Helena clambered down to the ground where I saw a giant lake before me. Out of the corner of my eye I swore I saw a despicably large squid, but it was probably nothing. There were boats out looking ready to sail.
"All yeh firs' years, go on an' get in a boat. Only two of yeh in each." The giant man yelled. I put my hand on Helena's shoulder and guided her to a boat. We climbed in, Helena looking pale at the sight of the deep water.
"Relax, they won't kill us before we're even sorted." I said. That didn't help much. Her eyes widened as there was an unmistakable gulp from her throat. In the boat to our left, two redheads were laughing obnoxiously. Everyone else seemed quite nervous. Was it because of the dark blue waters, or because of the terror of the sorting hat? My mother was in Hufflepuff and my father Slytherin. His house has a bad reputation, but he got in because of how shrewd he is. His judgements are always for the best. In no way is he evil or is he ever planning to be.
The boats made it to the grounds. All the timid students around me started walking up the terrain. A large tree seemed to be swatting at nearby birds. Father always told me about some tree on the Hogwarts grounds called the Whomping Willow. This was probably it.
A threatening but feeble looking man with a cat stood awaiting in the corridor once we got in. He took us through the halls filled with paintings that conversed with each other. There were lovely princesses, gallant knights, and ordinary townspeople.
We were led to a severe looking woman with black hair and a pointy hat. She introduced herself as Professor Minerva McGonagall, telling us that she taught Transfiguration ("A complex but wonderful branch of magic!" Mother always told me). She led us through the doors and into a place that must be the Great Hall, just as my parents had explained it.
A single stool sat at the end of the hall once you past the house tables. Atop it sat a patched and frayed hat; the Sorting Hat.
"Now, I will call your name, and you shall be sorted." Professor McGonagall said.
Me and Helena stood patiently, as our names wouldn't come for a while. We saw the A's be sorted, then the C's and finally,
"Faye, Jamie!"
I strode up and sat on the stool. The hat was placed on my head and it began to speak.
"Ah, a mother with sweet Hufflepuff and a father with cunning Slytherin. Very different combination indeed. Although, I see that you possess other traits. I know, it'll be....GRYFFINDOR!" The hat called out. I went over to at the table clad with gold and scarlet ties. No sooner had I sat down when the next name was called.
"Weasley, Fred!" One of the red-headed boys came up and sat on the stool. The hat seemed to know right away calling out "GRYFFINDOR!". The same followed for the next name, "Weasley, George!", the second of the two boys on the boat. I spaced out thinking so much that I hadn't noticed that they'd sat next to me.
"Hello!" They said in unison.
"I'm Fred!" Said one of them shaking my hand.
"And I'm George." Said the other,
I introduced myself back and waited till the next name was called.
"Williams, Helena!" She walked carefully up to the stool and hat.
"A ready mind, surely. You'll make great decisions with the way you think. Intelligent for sure, so I'd say, "RAVENCLAW!" The table closer to the middle clapped politely yet enthusiastically.
I waved to Helena as she waked over to sit with her new house.
I faced the twins.
"Why did the hat know where to place you so fast?" I asked.
"We have 5 other siblings, 3 of which have already been sorted. By the time it gets to Ginny, it might just quit!" Fred said happily. An old wizard stepped up, looking ready to give a speech.
"Dumbledore." George said.
"Welcome all students, new and old. I hope that you will have a extraordinary adventure during this year at Hogwarts. But for now, let us enjoy our special feast!" Food spread amongst the tables before my eyes. I took all that looked good to me. By the end, I was stuffed. The food vanished, leaving the golden plates and goblets spotless. The prefects led us all to or dormitory. A portrait of a rather large woman was hung up.
"Ursa Major!" The prefect replied. The portrait swung open and we filed in. The room was magnificent. A fireplace roared like a lion. Two staircases led up to a higher room.
"This one is girls," the prefect gestured to the staircase on the right side, "and this is the boys."
He pointed at the leftmost one. We went accordingly up the staircases and just as I stepped on the stairs, I smiled at the twins, who returned the favor, before climbing all the way up to our dormitories.

Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now