Chater 4- Helena

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Dad had told me exactly how to get to the platform before he went to work, kpnowing that my mom had never done this before.
I carried my trunk towards platform nine and told my mom to follow me. I walked straight through the wall between platform 9 and 10. I turned to see my mom walking through in awe and the Hogwarts Express waiting for students to board.
"Ok Helena remember to try and make friends while your there", my mom told me.
"I will mom, don't worry about it"
"And remember to send an owl twice a week telling your dad and I how things are going."
"I promise I will"
"Ok now here are a few galleons for the trolley while your on the train. Don't forget what your dad told you about wizard candy be careful when eating it."
"Thanks mom I will"
"Have fun Helena"
"Bye Mom. I'll see you over Christmas break. Love ya."
"I love you, too bye Helena"
While walking towards the train I figured I'd make good on my promise to my mom and look for someone to sit with on the trolley. I saw a girl with dark red-brown hair talking to her mom and she looked nice enough. I walked towards her super nervous. I'm really shy when it comes to meeting new people. I hope it's not obvious how anxious I am.
"Umm, I don't know anyone here. Do you want to sit together?" I asked
"Sure!" She replied
I really hope we end up becoming friends.
She said her goodbyes to her mom and together we climbed onto the train in search of an empty compartment.

Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now