Chapter 8- Helena

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When I got off the train I stuck with Jamie as close as I could. I saw a man with his dog waiting for us telling the first years to meet him at the boats. The river was so dark I figured that if I fell in it would be next to impossible for someone to help me out.
Jamie helped me into the boat and we sat together.
"Relax, they won't kill us before we're even sorted." She told me obviously noticing my discomfort at the water. Oh my. Now I'm scared about the sorting. My dad said I would most likely get into Ravenclaw like him. But what if I'm not smart enough for Ravenclaw? What if i get in but I'm not good enough and I start failing classes? What if I get into another house? What if I don't make any new friends?
Once we got to the doors I could see the whomping willow in the distance. I had read about it some rumors said it was planted because of a kid that had something wrong with him. But I could never figure out what the tree could do to help with an illness.
As we walked inside I saw everything I had been dreaming of these last few months since I got my letter in the post. There were the paintings that I had read about of amazing historical figures. And the moving stairs that I planned on tracking in my first week to decipher their pattern. And the great hall where we would eat and have feasts on special occasions. Hogwarts was everything I had read and so much more. I stopped stressing for a minute and just starred at the castle in wonder as professor McGonagall brought us to the sorting hat.
"Now, I will call your name, and you shall be sorted." Professor McGonagall said.
I knew I was a W so it was going to take forever for the suspense to end for me.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when Jamie's name was called, "Faye, Jamie!"
She walked up to the stage for the hat to sort her "Ah, a mother with sweet Hufflepuff and a father with cunning Slytherin. Very different combination indeed. Although, I see that you possess other traits. I know, it'll be....GRYFFINDOR!"
By the time she found her seat they had finally made it to the Ws and the suspense was killing me. I wanted to be a Ravenclaw but Jamie was my only friend here and I didn't want to be alone for the next 7 years. Yeah, I know it's a bit dramatic, but I'm shy.
Two boys were called up right before me. The sorting hat barely had the thing before naming then Gryffindors. I saw them go and sit by Jamie. Well it looks like she won't have a problem making friends. I wish I could get over my shyness and be like that.
Looks like my name is the last one. Lucky me (note sarcasm)!!!
"Williams, Helena!" She walked carefully up to the stool and hat.
"A ready mind, surely. You'll make great decisions with the way you think. Intelligent for sure, so I'd say, RAVENCLAW!"
I ran to the blue table close to the middle. I was so happy. I guess I'll try to talk to Jamie in my off time. I saw Jamie wave at me and I waved back before looking over the people at my table.
I saw a lot of them had a book out and were reading. My mom had told me not to keep a book with me so I could focus on making friends the first few days. I really wish I had ignored her and brought a book to read, but I guess I'll just have to go with the next best thing. I saw a girl reading Tales of the Witch Morgana and I figured I'd try talking to her about it considering it was one of my favorites. I walked up and introduced myself
"Hey I'm Helena, I love that book I read it like 10 times back at home"
"Oh my god, you will love the library here, Morgana is one of my favorite historical figures, they have so many books of all different kinds it's amazing!!! Oh and by the way I'm a second year my name is Julie."
And we went on talking until Dumbledore walked up to give his speech.
"Welcome all students, new and old. I hope that you will have a extraordinary adventure during this year at Hogwarts. But for now, let us enjoy our special feast!"
Oh my god the food was amazing. I could tell I was gonna love it here.
After dinner we were lead towards one of the towards in the castle and the prefects explained to us how the common room door worked.
We each had to answer a riddle before going into our dorms. I waited patiently for my turn to go in.
"Well I'll give you an easy one just to test how much you know", said the door knocker, "the name which you bear has been chosen before, for the child of a founder, who before you has beared your name?"
Well this is easy I thought even though I could see that most of the first years had no clue what he was talking about. "It's Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter. There aren't many books about her she's only mentioned once or twice in books about Rowena I don't know much about her sadly."
"That's ok I'm shocked you've even heard of her, you may come in."
The common room had books everywhere I wish I could stay up for hours reading them all, but it was late and I was tired and wanted to get a good nights sleep before classes start tomorrow. I was led up to the girls dorms and quickly changed and went to bed.
I hope I have classes with some Gryffindors tomorrow, it would be nice to see Jamie again. I thought before falling asleep.

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