Chapter 14- Helena

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I wrote my letter in the great hall to send to my parents.

Hey Mom and Dad,

I love it here so much even though it's just my first day. I met a girl at 9 3/4 named Jamie Faye and she's so much fun. She's so confident and friendly. It's really no wonder she was sorted into Gryffindor.
Dad was right, I am a Ravenclaw. I love the common room it has books everywhere and every morning before classes we all just read, and if I ever want to talk to someone about books I just have to walk up to someone and talk. The people in Ravenclaw are amazing and they are so accepting of new ideas.
Jamie introduced me to some other Gryffindors, Fred and George Weasley. They are always joking around. I can already tell they are going to get themselves in trouble. But I don't think they care I can't see them worrying about grades and conduct. Anyways they said their dad works at the ministry. He is the head of the misuse of muggle artifacts department. Jamie said her dad works for the ministry too. I was wondering if dad knew them since he seems to know almost everyone at the ministry.
Anyways the food here is amazing. It's gonna be sad leaving all this over the summer. But I've still got the entire school year ahead of me to enjoy it so that's not a problem now I guess.
Anyways I miss you guys!!! I'll write again soon once I have more to tell.

With Lots of love,

Once I made it to the owlery you I saw Jamie and the twins with her. "Jamie?" I exclaimed.
"Hi Helena!" The twins said together. As Jamie ran to hug me.
"Jamie, I just saw you ten minutes ago!" I said in reply to her hug as Jamie went to look out over the lake.
"Hey, Fred. You too George! Go hang out with Helena. You won't get to see her as much because she's not in the same house. We have a free period, go ahead." Jamie said out of nowhere.
"What about you?" Fred asked.
"I'll manage." Jamie replied with a smile before walking out to do whatever she had planned.
"So, Helena, what's that in your hand?" Fred asked.
"A letter for my parents," I replied.
"What did you write?" George asked.
"Just about what's happened here so far, nothing much"
"Well did you hear that George we're nothing much" Fred said jokingly.
"Now I don't think that's true. Don't you agree Fred?"
"I think your right George. Now let's see how big of a deal we really are." Fred said as he reached and grabbed the letter out of my hand.
Ahh here we go George, this is the part about us. Jamie introduced me to some other Gryffindors, Fred and George Weasley. They are always joking around. I can already tell they are going to get themselves in trouble. But I don't think they care I can't see them worrying about grades and conduct. Your right about that Helena. Anyways they said their dad works at the ministry. He is the head of the misuse of muggle artifacts department."
"So you think we're gonna get ourselves in trouble do you Helena?" George asked.
I laughed "I think you two are gonna get in loads of trouble"
"Well now we have a goal don't we George"
"And what might that goal be?" I asked.
"Well I think it's quite obvious Helena you said it yourself. We plan on getting in loads of trouble." George replied.
I laughed and told them good luck.
"Well boys, let's learn about each other." I said.
"I don't know why Jamie didn't want to stay. It's not like we can't learn anything about her." George added.
"We'll do that later, but for now," Fred started, "let's begin."

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