Chapter 19- Jamie

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One week later, classes were still going smoothly, and I hadn't lost my friends yet. My birthday was coming up in about a month, and I was excited! Turning 12 already! So that was exciting. I went down to breakfast and sat next to the twins.
During breakfast, the owls swooped down to deliver parcels to their owners or borrowers. I saw Athena fly down over the Gryffindor table and drop a basket and a letter in front of me.
I grabbed the letter and tore off the wax seal.
Dear Jamie,
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. We're also very proud of you for getting into Gryffindor.
I can't wait to meet your friends, they sound lovely!
You requested my homemade cakes for them too. Well, I just couldn't resist, and I've nothing better to do. They're in the basket. There's more than four, so share!
Keep writing to us!
With love, Mum.
"Wow! Thanks, mum!" I said, smiling. I pulled the wrappings from the basket and saw them. Small chocolate cakes with powdered sugar and caramel. These were a real treat!
"Here, have one!" I said, passing one to Fred, then one to George. They took a bite and there eyes lit up like a lightbulb.
"That's amazing!" Fred said after swallowing.
I took one and put it on my plate, then another one on the table.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" I said pointing my wand at the cake. I floated up, and I levitated it to Helena. She smiled and took hold of it in her hands.
I passed the remainders out to Alicia, Angelina, a boy named Lee Jordan, and a small Gryffindor girl who looked very skeptical of her surroundings.
"Thanks. I can't believe this is real. Every time I blink I expect to wake up at my house, this being a dream. My name is Fern, by the way." She said.
"Jamie. I know it's real! I can feel it! My mum and dad went here too!" I said excitedly.
"I'm a muggleborn. But I'll take your word for it. Let's be friends!" Fern said, smiling for the first time.
"Of course! I think you'll love my friend Helena, and the twins here. They're Fred and George. Helena is very shy, but she's super sweet. And those guys are absolutely silly, but they're nice." I said.
"Hey! We are not just silly!" Fred protested.
"Yeah, we're just... No, she's right, Fred. We are silly." George gave in.
Fern chuckled and said, "They're great!"
Another friend. They're always good to have. Enemies come up too, sometimes. Helena was telling me about the rudest girl she's ever seen. From how she was described, Colleen sounded like the absolute worst person ever. Stuck-up, rude, and supercilious.
"Hey Jamie, Gryffindor quidditch tryouts are tommorw." George reminded me.
"Oh, yeah! You trying out?" I asked.
"Not this year. First years aren't allowed their own brooms, and the school brooms aren't the best. We'll try next year." He said
I nodded slightly, disappointed. I wasn't going to try out without them. But they had a good point.
"Ok. That's reasonable." I said, trying to keep my head up.
"I'm sorry. Even if we don't this year, we've got all the other years. But loosen up, James!" Fred joked.
"James?" I smiled.
"You've gotta have a nickname!" He said.
"Ok, but James?" I laughed.
"I don't know. I'm Freddie and he's Georgie, and Helena can be-"
"Hellie!" Fern interrupted.
"Yeah, sure! But for you, James seems like the best name."
"James can be someone else's name. It's a normal common name." I sighed.
"What's your middle name?" George piped up.
"Elizabeth. Why?" I asked.
"So you can decide on your nickname. It's either James or J-Liz, and that's not a hard choice for me at least." Fred exclaimed.
"J-Liz sounds SO amazing. I think I'll pick that one." I said sarcastically.
"James it is." George said sincerely.
We kept chatting and eating our breakfast. In the middle of Fern and George's heated discussion about their beliefs on the homework given out, Fred turned to me and whispered so nobody would hear, "How would you like to get into some trouble, Faye?"
"I think I'd like that, Weasley."
I said, messing up his crazy red hair.
"Well, let's go right now. George, Fern, come here!" He said, and there was mischievous smirk on his face. His twin had the same face.
"What's the plan?" I asked, after strolling out of the hall.
"Pretty much, we're going to drop a Dungbomb, and hopefully Filch or Mrs. Norris finds out. Don't worry, Fern. You're not going to be getting into trouble. You'll just be distracting McGonagall, and since we'll probably lose points and get a detention, you can try to help McGonagall and earn those points back." George explained. We all agreed, and set off to one of the corridors.
"Fern, go!" I said.
"Now! Jamie, drop one!" I did and it exploded in a rather unpleasant smell. Mrs. Norris came pouncing around the corner, then turned on a dime and ran for Flich.
"Do it again! He'll be here quick!" Fred ordered. Footsteps. He dropped another one and the cat had returned with Filch.
"My office! Now!" He barked.
We faked signs of submission and followed him slowly.
"You wait here. I'll be going for the headmaster. Shouldn't have done that." He grumbled and then walked out.
"Hey, look at that! That drawer!" George pointed at a drawer labeled 'Confiscated and Highly Dangerous'. Fred looked from his twin to me, smirking with a facial expression meaning he was planning something.
George dropped another Dungbomb and Fred quickly stole something from the drawer. Masked by the cloud of horrible smell, we escaped.
"To the common room!" I shouted, and we ran, carefully navigating through the staircase. We burst inside and George said, "Now let's see what this thing does."

Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now