Chapter 13- Jamie

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The Owlery! This seems like fun. Fred had his letter in his hand.
"Can I see?" I reached over to grab it.
"Not yet!" He said. I did my best pouty face but all he did was push my face back.
"I could push you into the woods, you know that?" I laughed.
"Oh really? Well I can do this!" He threw a handful of leaves in my face. I shoved him to the side then used George as a shield.
"Hey! Get your own cover!"
Once the fierce battle finished and I lay on the ground covered in leaves, we walked fast up the Owlery steps.
"Don't fall! I'll get a Howler from mum. 'How dare you let your friend break her neck!'."Fred laughed.
Once inside, he approached a feeble looking owl.
"This is Errol. He's been around the family quite a bit. Everyone uses him."
"Now can I see the letter?" I pleaded.
"Oh alright. George, give her the letter."
His twin handed me the letter addressed to the...Burrow?
"What's the Burrow?" I asked.
"It's home. We're not exactly rich, but it's decent." George said.
I looked back at the letter and started to read;
Dear Mum and Dad,
We've met two new friends at Hogwarts. One of them is Helena Williams, and her father is an "Unspeakable".
The second is Jamie Faye. Her dad works in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.
You won't believe this, but Jamie's been to our house before! Her dad came to discuss something for the ministry. Do you know either of their fathers, dad?
Tell Ginny that Jamie said hello. Apparently they spent some time together when she was two.
~ Fred
"Is it adequate for your standards?" He asked, taking it from my hand, and walking over to Errol. The owl stuck his leg his up, and Fred tied his letter on.
"Absolutely." Is all I say.
"Wait for me." George scribbled a few words onto a small piece of parchment. He didn't let me read it, and tied it on Errol's leg. The owl flew off for his destination.
"Athena." She flew over and landed on a stone ledge. The small light blue paper I was using had small handwriting scratched on it:
Dear family,
It's excellent here. The sorting hat put me in Gryffindor.
I've made three best friends. You don't need to freak out about it, it's not a surprise.
But still, please send some things to make them happy. Maybe your homemade cakes, mum?
Thanks! I hope you're doing well!
- Jamie
Athena held out her leg and I tied the note onto it. She screeched and flew off.
Someone came in through the door. She had brown hair and nice green eyes.
"Jamie?" She said.
"Hi Helena!" The twins said together. I ran and hugged her.
"Jamie, I just saw you ten minutes ago!" She was exasperated. I shrugged and walked back to look out over the lake.
"Hey, Fred. You too George! Go hang out with Helena. You won't get to see her as much because she's not in the same house. We have a free period, go ahead." I said.
"What about you?" Fred asked.
I paused for a moment before saying, with a smile,
"I'll manage."

Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now