Chapter 20- Helena

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A week passed and it was September 9th. I went down to breakfast and sat down next to a prefect. It made me think that I wanted to be one once I got older.
I looked over and saw Jamie walk in with the twins. They sat down and started talking. I once again found myself bored without my true friends.
A large barn flew down to deliver mail and it landed it front of Jamie. That must be hers, I thought. It's a beautiful bird.
I saw my best friend grab a basket from the owl, along with a letter. She looked so happy, and everyone around me was just doing homework. Ravenclaw is fine and all, but Gryffindor sounds better. Then I'd be with my friend. Or maybe Jamie would be in Ravenclaw. Then, and especially then, she could stand up to Colleen. That would wipe the smirk off her face.
Jamie took the letter and read it. Beside her, Fred and George were talking. It was because of Jamie that they were my friends. I couldn't ask for anything better in my choice of friends.
She smiled after finishing the letter and looked into the basket. Her smile made me smile myself. Reaching into the basket, she pulled out some kind of cake. Her mum was really nice!
I saw her pull out her wand and levitate one over to me. It landed in my hands, a chocolate cake with caramel and powdered sugar. I bit into it and gave a happy nod to Jamie.
She passed one out to Fred and George, then a boy with dreadlocks, and two other first-year Gryffindor girls, and then one to a shaky looking girl whom she started a conversation with.
The cake was absolutely amazing! After I finished, I looked over at George, who told Jamie something. She got very excited and asked something back, from what I could tell. But when he responded, her face turned to disappointment.
But Fred soon brought the mood back with a joke. I know that these boys will be the real deal here at Hogwarts. Their sense of humor, charm, and overall magical knowledge will get them friends for sure.
They all started talking again and I longed to join the conversation. A girl next to me saw me staring at them.
"Are those your friends?"
Before I could answer, Colleen leaned over about 3 people reading (who gave her dirty looks) and started using extravagant hand gestures while saying in an annoying voice, "She's probably just wishing she knew someone like that. Someone popular."
She gave me a triumphant look and my mouth opened.
"That's not true, I-"
"Oh honey, you don't need to worry. Some of us are just more important than others." She said mockingly.
"No, I actually-"
"Shush. I understand." She looked at me and reached an arm out as if to comfort me. Without thinking, I smacked her hand and raised my voice, "Jamie and Fred and George are my friends, and they wouldn't think to talk to you for a minute, so don't even try!"
She look revolted.
"If you think you can talk to me like that, then you can-"
"I can what? Your threats mean nothing. You're too scared to hurt me. Jamie's a far better person than you'll ever be." I said. Everyone around us looked abashed, like this would reflect badly on them.
I calmed down and looked over at the twins and Jamie.
Fred had turned specifically to Jamie and asked her something quietly. She laughed for a second and said something in return, then ruffled his hair. I could tell that those two were going to be close.
The whole group, meaning the twins, Jamie, and the Gryffindor whose name I knew not.
"Where are they going?" I whispered, not realizing I said it out loud.
But I did not follow them. I stayed put and watched Colleen cower every time I looked at her.
"No one is going to hurt you, honey." I said. Her hands shook with rage. I could tell nobody had ever gotten on her nerves before.
But I kept eating my breakfast, and staring at her with curiosity. She ending up getting so mad that she caused her dish of yogurt to explode all over her. I giggled heartily like some of the other Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs.
She screamed and pulled out her wand to jinx me, but unfortunately for her, Professor Flitwick was walking gingerly up the table lengths and he spotted her.
"Miss Rohit! No attacking other students! Five points from Ravenclaw!" He said in a squeaky voice.
She got up and stormed out. I laughed into my hand so Flitwick wouldn't see.
"Are you quite alright, Miss Williams?She has a temper that one. Best watch yourself there, or she may get you when nobody's watching." Professor told me. I nodded and he kept walking. Jamie hadn't returned yet, so I was going to see where she'd went. If they'd gone to do something they were surely done by now. So I got up and started to walk to the Gryffindor common room.

Trouble With Twins [DISCONTINUED, LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER FOR NEW VERSION]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن