Chapter 12- Helena

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We started the journey to the great hall chatting like old friends. I couldn't believe how quickly these people had seemed to grow on me. I really do like these people.
As we walked in Fred pointed out a boy with bright red hair like his own sitting with a stack of books. "Hey, mind that prat standing over there. That's our brother, Percy. Do one thing wrong and all hell breaks loose to him!"
"Third year. Wants nothing else then to be Head Boy. Mess up and he'll write to your mother!" George explained.
I looked at Jamie and saw a flash of recognition on her face. "Hey! I've seen your parents before!" Jamie exclaimed.
"How's that, Faye?" Fred asked.
"Our fathers work for the ministry. Mine works in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. He's always got cool stories to tell me and mum." Jamie replied.
"At least your dad's got somewhat of an interesting career." Fred complained.
"Our dad's a muggle-fanatic. He's head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts office." George finished.
Wow their parents work for the ministry too. My dad probably knows them, he knows everyone in the ministry. I'm not sure how considering he doesn't mention a thing about his job to me and my mom. I guess it's for the best my dad gets paid well and gets good hours to spend with his family for the most part so I really can't complain.
"What about your dad?" Jamie looked at me and asked.
"He's an Unspeakable." I wish I had more stories to tell but I really didn't know anything else.
"Fred, George, my dad brought me with him when he came to your house. It was to discuss something for the ministry. I believe I was 5. Ginny was a little toddler. I didn't get to talk to you. It'll be nice to see her again." Jamie recounted to us.
"Now that I think about it, I remember your dad. He's tall, brown hair, and wore rust colored robes." Fred remembered. Wow, Fred has a pretty good memory.
"How do you remember that?" Jamie asked in shock.
"He's just does, Jamie. You'll learn a lot being friends with a Weasley." George answered in response. Fred and George seem to have a big family. Four kids that I know of so far seems like a lot.
"That was 6 years ago!" Jamie laughed, more like snorted, in response.
"I hope you don't always laugh like that because that was scary." I said cracking a joke hoping to disguise the fact that I had been silent almost the entire time.
I went to go sit at the Ravenclaw table leaving Jamie, Fred and George at the Gryffindor table.
I really do love the people in the Ravenclaw house but I do prefer spending time with Jamie and the twins.
Ha I guess my mom will be happy to hear I've made such good friends so soon. I'll have to visit the owlery after breakfast. I honesty can't wait for classes to start it'll be fun using magic purposefully for the first time.
I finished my breakfast quickly hoping to be able to talk to Jamie and the twins before I would have to spend a lot of my attention on school work.

Hey guys, I really hope you are enjoying this story. It's done a whole lot better than I was expecting so I wanna thank all our readers for that!!!!!!

I'm Morgan and I write Helena's pov. If you guys have any ideas or anything you'd like to say it's all welcome we really do want feed back, even if it's bad try to be constructive.

That's about it thanks again for reading!!!!!!

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