Chapter 16- Helena

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"So Helena you said your dad knew a lot of people at the ministry, what does he do" George asked
"Well my mom and I don't really know much about what he does with him being an unspeakable and everything. But he's super smart and likes to meet people so every time we go eat lunch with him at work he has someone that he's met before that he talks to." I replied
"That's cool" George said
"So what do you guys plan on doing, I can't see either of you doing anything that has to do with academics when you get older." I inquired
"As usual you are right helena and I promise to get back to you when I have an answer to that question" Fred replied
I laughed "I'm sure whatever it is will be quite interesting" I said
"So Helena do you plan on joining the quidditch team next year?" George asked
"I honestly have no clue how to play" I replied
"Oh my gosh!!!! How do you not know how to play quidditch" Fred exclaimed
"My mom is a muggle and my dad isn't into sports so I never learned" I stated
"Well teach you Helena" George said
"I look forward to it hopefully I'm not completely horrible" I replied
"You'll be great" Fred said, "Remember the time Charlie was reaching for a snitch and faceplanted right into our gardens. Mom yelled at him and he couldn't play for weeks."
We all laughed as Fred and George told stories about their mom and brothers until classes were about to start and we headed to class.
Leaving the owler we decided to go find Jamie and figure out what she had been doing before going to class. Fred and George had said that she'd probably gone into the common room so we headed to the Gryffindor dorms first.
We saw the portrait of the fat lady and I remembered something.
"Hey, guy, I can't go in Im not a Gryffindor." I stated.
"Come on Helena, we came into the Ravenclaw dorms it'll be ok." Fred replied.
"Yeah but you guys will probably be ok getting in trouble I'm not comfortable with angering the teachers before classes have even begun." I said shyly.
"Ok I'll run in and get her you guys can stay out here," Fred said.
I was left alone in the corridor with George and an awkward silence began between the two of us.
"So...... What have you hear from your siblings about the classes here?" I asked.
"Basically that history of magic is the best class for napping in," was his quick reply.
I laughed, "I don't really plan on napping, besides history can be pretty interesting if you have a good teacher."
"The teacher is a ghost."
"Then he should have a first person point of view from some of the greatest events in history, it will be fun to really understand what everyday life was like when certain events were occurring."
"You actually make it seem like I could enjoy school."
"I don't see why you can't."
"Well that's because school is extremely boring."
"Like I said you just need a good teacher."
"I guess you'll just have to be my teacher."
"I have a feeling your more interested in your next prank than your transfiguration homework." I joked.
"That feeling would be correct." He replied.
It was then that Jamie and Fred decided to come back into the corridor.
"Hey guys look what Jamie was doing in our absence"
I looked over and saw a sketch pad and on it I saw an almost exact copy of my face alone with Fred and George on either side of me.
"Well other than sleeping." Fred said, gesturing to Jamie, who looked tired and groggy.
"Fine lets go to class." She said.
We walked to go to our first ever class at hogwarts.

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