Chapter 10- Helena

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I woke up early with the rest of the Ravenclaws and walked to the common room. Everyone had already been in the middle of a book and just picked it up and started reading. I figured since I had already read most of the books in my trunk I'd grab one off the shelf. I walked over and picked up the biggest book I could find hoping it would keep me occupied for a week.
I had made friends with some people last night easily just by talking about books with them, which I had enjoyed very much. But I still missed Jamie. I think I'll try to find her at breakfast.
My thoughts drifted back to the book in my hands as I began to read, the book I found ended up being on European wizarding history, which was one of my favorite subjects.
I read quietly like everyone else before breakfast when three Gryffindors stepped into the room. Most didn't even look up from their books. I heard Jamie say my name and immediately look up to find her with the two red head Gryffindors I had seen her talking to last night.
"Helena!!!" She practically screamed into the quiet room. I smiled at her while half the people in the common room shushed her. "Care to go to breakfast in a while? It's a bit early nobody will be down."
"How did you get in?", I wondered. The door knocker was supposed to keep out everyone but Ravenclaws.
"I solved the riddle. It was 'what has one eye but cannot see?'". She replied. Half the people in the common room muttered "needle" under their breathe, but she continued with her story, "I couldn't have figured it out without George."
George began to smile at me when the other twin pushed him out of the way, "Nice to meet you, Helena! The name's Fred."
He shook my hand and smiled at me when Jamie said, "C'mon, let's go to the great hall," she opened the door and we saw that the halls were filled with people from every house but Ravenclaw, "everyone else is going."
I followed her out with Fred and George already trying to memorize their slight differences so I would be able to tell them apart later on.

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