Chapter 18- Helena

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We started walking to class. I had transfiguration first, while Jamie and the twins had charms. Transfiguration sounds different and difficult, but also interesting. Fred told me where to go and waved me off as I walked to the transfiguration courtyard. It was beautiful there! But I didn't want to be late for class, so I walked over to the classroom, and walked in.
We had class with the Hufflepuffs today's, judging by the yellow and black ties and the badger emblem on the robes.
I sat down in a desk, and the ravenclaw next to me smiled slightly.
"I'm Colleen. Just to let you know. And you're Helena. I already knew that." She said. Wow, rather stuck-up she was. I might try avoiding her.
Professor McGonagal walked into the room and introduced herself again.
"Welcome class, and today will be a mere introduction to the magical branch of transfiguration.
We then began taking very complicated notes, all about the formula of transfiguration.
"Now, we'll start with one of the simplest switching spells. You'll be turning this match into a needle. Please begin." She ordered. I pulled out my wand.
When I tried the first time, the match wiggled on the desk. Coleen gave a derisive laugh and rolled her eyes. She waved her wand and the match was changed into a needle.
"Could you be anymore rude?" I asked, my anger bubbling. I tried to calm down.
She just shrugged and continued practicing.
My next try I felt more confident. I waved my wand and the match became a needle. I felt saying something clever to Colleen, or maybe just poke her with the needle.
Soon enough, class was over, and I stood up and started walking. Someone bumped into me, and I didn't even need to look to know who it was.
The rest of the classes were brilliant and I throughly enjoyed them. Contradicting what George said, I DID NOT sleep in History of Magic.
When it was time to go to dinner I tried to look for my friends.
I saw two redheads and walked over.
"I'm starving!" I complained. We walked into the great hall and I sat at the ravenclaw table. I made sure I was far away from Princess Colleen. She was really rude. I thought I was nice and friendly but she's a stuck-up know it all! I don't want any enemies but that was most likely where this was headed.
I ate dinner, and I noticed Jamie get up and walk away, presumably to the common room. Was she sick? Or just tired? I was concerned. I tried to get Fred or George's attention but it didn't work because I wasn't being obnoxious enough.
Dinner wrapped up and we all went to our common rooms. I quickly changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed.

Hi this is Stephanie, I wrote this chapter for Morgan because she had an orchestra contest, and she did really good, but she was really tired! So I did her a favor and did this.
Jamie's chapter will be up soon!

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